Chapter Thirty Six

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Living Royal

Chapter Thirty Six

"Bella? Bella, sweetheart, look at me." Edward tried bringing Bella out of her trance, but to no avail. "Father, can I call you back later? No, I don't think we will need a physician. Hopefully not." He added the last part hesitantly while glancing at Bella who still hadn't moved an inch.

"Alright, I understand. I'll speak with you later." He said before he hung up.

He immediately knelt down in front of Bella, peering up into her eyes.

"Bella? Please, talk to me. At least shake your head to let me know you're fine."

Edward's pleading tone must've finally struck a nerve with Bella, because she suddenly snapped out of her trance.

"I'm okay." She said faintly. Her face had gone white as soon as she heard the news and she felt extremely faint.

Edward's heart constricted at how scared she looked. He got up to sit next to her and put his arms around her, hugging her close to his chest.

"Don't ever be scared, Bella. I promise I'll never allow anything to happen to you. I'll start packing right now and we'll be back in London in a few hours. I'll call the pilot and have him ready the plane…"

"Wait, what?" Bella interrupted Edward's rant. She looked up at him questioningly.

"I'll call the pilot and we'll be back in England before you know it." He went on.

"No." Bella spoke forcefully for the first time since they received the call.

"No?" Edward asked, not sure what was going on.

"No, Edward." Bella said again. "I don't want to go back to England now."

"What? But…I thought that you were afraid, that you would want to…"

"I am afraid, just not enough to go running back to the Palace now, and definitely not enough for us to ruin our honeymoon." She stood up suddenly, getting fired up. Her emotions were all over the place. She was worried and scared and angry and had no idea what was about to happen next, but she knew one thing for sure.

They were going to spend the rest of their honeymoon in peace if that was the last thing they did.

"Bella, we can't do that. We need to get back so that I can guarantee that there are enough security around to protect you."

"But, Edward…"

"No!" Edward yells. "No buts, Bella! I'm not risking your life on pure chance. We're going back to London now!"

Bella could do nothing but stare for a few moments. She'd never seen Edward this angry before. He was standing in front of her, fuming with his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

"No, we're not." She says quietly, but loud enough for Edward to hear. "We're going to stay here and enjoy our damn honeymoon as though that call never happened or so help me God, Edward, you'll be sleeping on the couch until further notice!"

Edward gaped at her in astonishment and Bella stilled waiting for his final verdict.

She'd never threatened him with 'no sex' before. Probably because it would be as much torture for her as it would be for him.

Talk about a night of firsts.

"Do you really want to stay?" He asked slowly.

"Yes." Bella answered immediately and without hesitation. She wasn't ready for the bubble they'd been living in to burst yet.

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