Chapter Twenty Three

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Living Royal

Chapter Twenty Three

A few weeks passed and Bella and Edward got more and more busy with classes as the exams approached. They had a hard time studying around each other in their house because they would keep distracting each other so they both tried joining a study group together but that turned out to be not such a good idea either as they still couldn’t keep their eyes or their hands off of each other. So, they ended up joining different groups in an effort to actually get some study time. Unfortunately, that diminished the amount of time they spent together.

“I miss you.” Edward whispered to her as they were snuggled together in bed one night.

“I miss you too. There’s only one week left and then we’ll be free.” She replied, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

“Yeah, one more week. Seven days.  One hundred and sixty eight hours…” Edward mumbled.

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Bella giggled. “Oh, I almost forgot. Alice called a while ago, she invited us to a party she’s throwing to celebrate her and Jasper’s anniversary.”

“Their anniversary? How long have they been together?” He asked.

“Four years and counting.”

“Wow. I didn’t know they were together that long.”

“Umhm. They were together all through High School.”

“Hmm, how do you think we’ll celebrate our fiftieth anniversary?” Edward asked.

“Why the fiftieth?”

“Because we’ll probably be old and wrinkled by then.”

Bella snorted, “Speak for yourself! I will never grow old. I will stay eighteen forever.”

“You’ll always be beautiful to me.” Edward looked at her with pure adoration.

Sometimes, Bella wondered if all of this was a dream. If someday she’d wake up only to find out that she was back in Forks and none of this had ever happened. No St Andrews, no love, no…Edward. Her heart clenched at the thought. She never really thought she was the kind of girl who would ever become so attached to a guy, but look where she was now, in the arms of the most sought after guy in the world and he loved her.

“You’re daydreaming again. Here I am trying to get lucky tonight and you’re not even paying attention. Way to hurt a man’s ego.” Edward teased.

Bella punched him playfully.

“Ow, that actually hurt.” Edward rubbed the spot where she had hit him

“Stop being such a baby. I didn’t even put my weight behind it.”

“Spoken like a true Police Chief’s daughter.”

“Yup, my father taught me well, so you’d better be careful.”

“What are you going to do?” Edward leaned closer to her until their faces were centimeters apart. “Are you going to handcuff me?” He wiggled his eyebrows looking so much like his brother Emmett that Bella couldn’t help but laugh loudly.

“What? I was being very serious.” He said trying to look innocent.

“If my dad could see you now, he would definitely re-think giving us his blessing.”

“Don’t even joke about that, Bella.” Edward said mock seriously. “The man owns a gun.”

Bella snorted again. She really had to stop doing that or Madame Victoria was going to give her a hard time the next time they had a lesson.

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