Chapter Nine

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A/N: Thanks so much for those who  read this story :) I'm so sorry for the late update :)

Living Royal

Chapter Nine

"Alice, will you settle down already? You're making me dizzy." Bella asked her best-friend, who was currently moving in a flurry of activity around the room.

"I don't understand how can you be so calm? Your Royal Boyfriend is sending his private jet to get you tomorrow, so that you can go to his birthday and meet his parents, who just so happen to be King and Queen!"

"We're not boyfriend and girlfriend…yet." Bella protested.

"But you want to be. Who wouldn't? Besides, how many women do you think he's gone this far just to invite them to the Royal Palace?"

"That's just it, Alice, there could be hundreds of women that he's done this for before. How do I know?"

"Well, the only way you can find out for sure is if you get to know him. And you can’t do that with your whole hot and cold attitude. Just loosen up and give him a chance; A real chance. Not the kind of chance where you watch his every move waiting for him to mess up so you can run away."

Bella's shoulders slumped, "You know me too well, Ali."

Alice jumped on Bella's bed and laid down next to her, "That's what BFFs’ are for, sweetie."

"So, have you decided what you’re going to wear for the meet and great with the King and Queen?" Alice asked.

Bella groaned, "Alice, I'm too nervous to think about that right now. Can you just pick anything out for me, please?"

"You think that anything in your wardrobe would do? Honestly Bella, have I not taught you anything?" Alice shook her head in disappointment.

"Apparently not."

"We have to go shopping, right now! Come on, we don’t have much time." Alice proceeded to pull on Bella's hand and drag her outside.

About three hours and what seemed to Bella like several hundred shops later; Alice finally seemed satisfied with their excursion and declared that they had gotten everything they needed.

Bella could only sag in utter relief.

The one thing that seemed important to her about the whole outing was Edward's gift. She'd given a great deal of thought about what to give someone who seemed to have everything. It took her a lot of time to decide, but she finally made up her mind and she was happy with her decision. She only hoped that Edward would be as well and wouldn't consider it an insult.

Bella spent the night tossing and turning, worried about what tomorrow might bring. She hadn’t heard from Edward since he called her a few days ago to tell her about their travel arrangements, which worried her even more.

Why hadn’t he called again after that?

Maybe he was too busy with classes? Who knows?

By the time Bella finally managed to fall asleep, she had convinced herself that all would be well.

What could possibly go wrong, after all?

She was tired of worrying. She wanted to let it all go, and live in the moment for once in her life.

She decided to do just that.


The alarm clock woke Bella up early the next day. She hadn’t gotten much sleep since her mind wouldn’t let her rest the night before.

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