Chapter Five

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Living Royal

Chapter Five

God, this was going to be hard.

How is a girl supposed to break up with her best friend?

Sure, Bella and Jacob hadn’t been on the best of terms lately, but he was still one of her closest friends. You don’t just throw that away easily.

Bella glanced out the window of the café where she sat, waiting for Jake.

How on earth was she supposed to even say it?

I'm sorry but when a hot Prince comes along, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do?

No, no. It wasn't even about Edward. He might be totally uninterested in her, after all. But her gut told her there was something there and she really wanted to pursue it.

Aside from that, Jacob and Bella hadn’t been the same in quite a while. They barely spoke, and when they did it seemed forced. They only went out in groups, never alone together, and they certainly haven’t been intimate in months.

Bella had been willing to stay in the relationship because it had basically become familiar. She'd never had a boyfriend other than Jacob, he was her first date, her first kiss, her first…everything. So, it was natural for her to want to stick through it, even though it was obvious that both of them were willing to give up.

Until the party, that is.

Jacob had always been a little bit possessive over the years, but never this much, and definitely never going as far as to cause a scene like he did the day before.

Bella had had enough. There was no use in trying to fix a relationship that wasn't working anymore, no matter how much you tried to make it work.

At some point, you just have to face the reality that it's over.

A few minutes later, Jacob walked in. Bella tensed in her seat as she watched him walk to her table.

"Hey, sweetheart," He leaned over to kiss her. Bella instinctually moved back.

She grimaced, however, when she saw Jacob scowling at her reaction.

"Hey, Jake," She greeted him softly.

She grimaced once more when she noticed the bruise that surrounded his left eye and how his nose looked funny.

"Um, are you okay?" She asked, pointing to his face.

"Yeah, sure I am. That was nothing." He dismissed it. "It doesn't even hurt."

Yeah, he was lying. She'd known him long enough to tell.

"So why are we here? Not that I'd pass up a chance to see my favorite girl, it's just that you sounded funny over the phone."

"This isn't working anymore Jacob." Bella chose to just get to the point.

"What's not working?" He asked, confused.

"Us, we’re not working anymore. I'm sorry, but I think we should break up."

"What? What the hell are you talking about? Is this about this Edward guy? You're moving onto bigger and better things, is that it?" He yelled.

"Jacob, please; lower your voice. People are looking." She begged.

Of course, he wouldn't listen.

"No, I'm not going to lower my god damn voice, Bella! Not when you're speaking nonsense." He shouted.

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