Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Hotel Roommate turned Nightmare

The hullabaloo of arriving at the Holiday Inn Resort died down as the Riverhawks checked in and collected their room keys. Sam tugged at her carry-on, a nervous flutter in her stomach turning into outright dread as Coach Willis handed out the room assignments.

"St. Onge, you're with Jones in room 204," Coach Willis called out, oblivious to the tension thickening the air.

Scarlett flashed a too-bright smile and sauntered over, her voice dripping with feigned sweetness. "Looks like it's just you and me, Sammi. We'll have so much fun."

Sam's heart sank. Hannah caught her eye, a wrinkle of concern crossing her brow. They moved closer together, voices low amidst the clamor.

"Are you serious? Rooming with her?" Hannah's voice was a whisper laced with disbelief.

"I know, just my luck, right?" Sam tried to brush it off, but her voice wobbled.

"Hey, I'm right down the hall, okay? Just text me, anytime. Day or night."

Sam nodded, her throat tight. "Thanks, Hannah. I mean it."

As the group dispersed towards the elevators, Scarlett looped her arm through Sam's, pulling her uncomfortably close. "Let's drop our stuff off. I want to show you the view from our balcony."

Reluctantly, Sam followed, her mind racing with all the possible scenarios that could unfold over the next few days. The door to room 204 clicked open, and they stepped inside. The room boasted two plush beds, a sleek bathroom, and a balcony overlooking the beach.

"Isn't it just perfect?" Scarlett beamed, already crossing to the sliding doors to reveal the ocean view.

"Yeah, it's nice," Sam murmured, unease pinching her face.

Scarlett's demeanor shifted as she closed the distance between them. Her voice, once sugary sweet, now held a sharper edge. "I hope you realize how lucky you are, Sammy."

Sam swallowed, eyeing the room's exit. "Lucky? How do you mean?"

"To be here with me. I could make this trip a dream... or your worst nightmare." Scarlett's gaze was intense, her proximity overwhelming.

Sam's heart pounded. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Oh, St.Onge," Scarlett sighed, her expression mocking. "Because you're mine to play with. And don't you forget it."

Frustration and fear knotted in Sam's stomach. "I'm not a toy, Scarlett. I'm a person."

Scarlett laughed, a sound void of humor. "To me, you're whatever I want you to be."

The room suddenly felt smaller, the walls closing in. Sam clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. "I'm going to the beach. Need some air."

"As you wish. But remember, Sammi, you can't escape me. Not here, not anywhere."

Sam slipped out, her breathing uneven as she made her way down the corridor to Hannah's room. Knocking lightly, she waited, hopping from foot to foot in nervous anticipation.

The door swung open, and Hannah's face lit up with relief. "Sam! Come in, come in!"

She stepped inside, the air cooler, the atmosphere instantly lighter. Hannah shut the door and leaned against it, her expression serious. "How bad is it?"

"Worse than I thought," Sam confessed, sinking onto one of the beds. "She's already playing games."

Hannah sat beside her, her face set in a grim line. "We need a plan. Something to keep you safe."

"I just want to get through this trip without her ruining everything." Sam's voice trembled with the weight of her dread.

"We stick together. As much as possible, okay? I'll talk to the others, make sure you're never alone with her for too long."

Sam nodded, her eyes filling with unshed tears. "Thanks, Hannah. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"We're in this together," Hannah assured her, squeezing her hand. "Now, let's join the others at the beach, make some good memories to overshadow the bad."

They left the room, their steps syncing as they headed for the elevator. The doors slid open, and they stepped inside, only to find Scarlett waiting.

"Going down?" Scarlett asked, her smile tight.

Sam's jaw set, her skin prickling with discomfort. Beside her, Hannah slipped an arm around her waist, a silent show of support.

"Just heading to the beach," Hannah replied coldly, her body angled to shield Sam.

Scarlett's eyes flicked between them, her smile faltering. "How sweet. Enjoy the sand."

The elevator dinged, and they stepped out, the sliding doors closing behind them like a barrier from Scarlett's persistent malice.

As they walked toward the beach, Hannah leaned closer. "Ignore her, Sam. She's just trying to get under your skin."

Sam nodded, drawing a deep breath of salty air. "Let's focus on the championship. That's why we're here, right?"

"Right," Hannah agreed, and they joined their teammates on the sandy beach, the sound of laughter and waves washing over them, a temporary respite from the tension of room

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