Chapter 32

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Chapter 32- Your Under Arrest

In the dark basement a terrified Sam and Janice are perched onto Scarlett and Leroy's lap as they just got pushined for trying to escape.

Scarlett is cooing into Sam's ear as Sam is hugging her by force and crying into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Sam says as she crys to Scarlett. "I'll be a good girl I won't try to escape! I'll stay with you and won't ask to leave!"

Janice has tears rolling down her face as she hugs Leroy, who only grins and hugs Janice. "Me too Leroy i'm sorry"

Both Leroy and Scarlett grin as they hug there loves Scarlett's fingers weave through Sam's hair, her voice a soft, sickening lullaby.

"That's a good girl," Scarlett whispers, her breath warm against Sam's cheek. "You understand how this works now, don't you? We're a family. No more running away."

Sam's sobs catch in her throat, the words "family" and "escape" twisting in her mind like barbed wire. She nods against Scarlett's shoulder, her heart racing, but she feels the grip tightening.

"See, Janice?" Leroy barely looks away from his daughter, so effortlessly smug. "Isn't she just precious when she submits? It's cute."

"I—I'll do anything," Sam manages, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just please don't hurt anyone."

Leroy's laughter fills the basement, dark and heavy, echoing off the cold stone walls. "Hurt who, darling? You've seen what happens when you misbehave." His green eyes glint with a predatory gleam as he glances at Janice. "Haven't you, Janice?"

"Yes, Leroy," she says, pressing closer against him, the submission palpable in her demeanor. "I wouldn't dream of questioning you."

Scarlett's laughter joins her father's, a twisted harmony. "You both are just so obedient. It makes things so much easier." She tilts Sam's chin up, forcing Sam to meet her gaze. "And so much fun. Right, Sammy?"

"Right," Sam mumbles, the ache in her chest swelling. She can't find the strength to resist. All she wants is the possibility of safety, even within these confines.

"I'm just so proud of both of you," Leroy says, his voice dripping with sinister affection. He shifts Janice closer, her head resting against his shoulder as he strokes her hair. "Janice has always known how to be a proper wife."

"Yes, dear," Janice agrees softly, her blue eyes glistening with unshed tears. It's an acceptance, a surrender to the bleak reality of their lives.

Scarlett sweeps her thumb across Sam's wet cheek, her expression darkening. "I expect you to be just as good, honey. No more headstrong thoughts fluttering about. I'd hate to see you suffer again." She leans in closer, her lips brushing Sam's ear, low and threatening. "Or anyone else for that matter."

Sam's heart races, pounding in her ears. The urge to rebel clawed at her insides, but it was already too late. Janice's fear acted as both an anchor and a mirror, reflecting the damage the family's twisted love had caused.

"Why don't we show our loves how serious we are?" Leroy suggests, a cruel grin spreading across his face.

Scarlett's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Fantastic idea, Daddy!"

"Wait—" Sam's voice trembles as both their grips tighten, laughter spiraling into hysterics.

"Let's discuss proper behavior, hmm?" Leroy leans closer, his warm breath brushing against Sam's neck.

"I promise I won't go anywhere! Just please!" Sam cries, clenching her fists, each shake echoing her helplessness.

"We know you won't, sweetheart," Leroy says casually, pulling Janice even tighter against him. "Our little house rules will ensure that."

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