Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Trip Time!

Sam fidgeted with her suitcase zipper, struggling to close it. Hannah plopped down beside her on the bed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Can you believe it? Florida! Sun, sand, and softball!"

"I know!" Sam's eyes lit up. "I've never even been on a plane before."

Hannah gasped. "No way! Oh, this is gonna be epic. We have to sit together!"

"Definitely." Sam's smile faltered. "As long as Scarlett doesn't--"

"Nuh-uh." Hannah waggled her finger. "No Scarlett talk. This trip is about us having fun, got it?"

Sam nodded, determination replacing worry. "You're right. I won't let her ruin this."

"That's my girl." Hannah bounced off the bed. "Now, did you pack sunscreen? 'Cause your pasty butt is gonna fry down there."

"Hey!" Sam lobbed a pillow at Hannah's head. "I'm not that pale."

"Please, you make Casper look tan."

They dissolved into giggles, the stress of the past few weeks melting away. Sam felt a warmth in her chest she hadn't experienced in a long time. Friendship. Safety. Joy.

"Oh!" Hannah's eyes widened. "We need to make a beach playlist!"

Sam groaned. "Please, no more of your weird indie stuff."

"Excuse you, my taste is impeccable."

"Yeah, if you're a hipster grandma."

Hannah clutched her chest in mock offense. "You wound me, Samantha. Deeply."

"Good thing we're going to a beach. You can soak those wounds in salt water."

They collapsed into another fit of laughter. When it subsided, Hannah's expression turned serious.

"Hey, Sam? I just want you to know... I've got your back, okay? No matter what happens in Florida."

Sam swallowed the lump in her throat. "Thanks, Hannah. That means more than you know."

A comfortable silence fell between them. Sam resumed packing, this time with renewed energy.

"So," Hannah drawled, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Any cute boys you're hoping to meet down there?"

Sam's cheeks flushed. "Hannah!"

"What? We're going to be surrounded by tanned, muscular baseball players. Don't tell me you haven't thought about it."

"I'm more focused on not embarrassing myself on the field, thank you very much."

Hannah nudged her playfully. "Come on, live a little! We're young, we're in Florida... anything could happen!"

Sam rolled her eyes. "The only thing happening is us winning that championship."

"Buzzkill." Hannah stuck out her tongue. "Fine, more cute guys for me then."

"You're impossible."

"Impossibly charming, you mean."

Sam zipped up her suitcase with a triumphant grin. "There! All packed and ready for adventure."

Hannah clapped her hands. "Ooh, speaking of adventure, we should make a Florida bucket list!"

"Like what?"

"I don't know... swim with dolphins? Eat key lime pie? Kiss a cute lifeguard?"

Sam laughed. "Two of those things are doable. The lifeguard, not so much."

"Party pooper." Hannah flopped back on the bed. "Okay, what about... build the world's biggest sandcastle?"

"Now that I can get behind."

They spent the next hour brainstorming increasingly ridiculous Florida activities, from gator wrestling to starting a beach band called "The Sunburned Sluggers."

As the sun began to set, Hannah checked her phone. "Crap, I should head home. Early flight tomorrow!"

Sam walked her to the door, a bittersweet feeling settling in her chest. "See you at the airport?"

"Bright and early!" Hannah pulled her into a tight hug. "Try to get some sleep, okay? No staying up all night worrying."

Sam nodded, knowing full well she'd be tossing and turning with anticipation.

"And Sam?" Hannah's voice softened. "I meant what I said earlier. You're gonna do great down there. Show 'em what you're made of."

With a final wave, Hannah disappeared into the twilight. Sam closed the door, leaning against it with a contented sigh. For the first time in months, she felt truly excited about something.

Her phone buzzed. A text from Coach Willis:

"Bus leaves at 6 AM sharp. Don't be late."

Reality came crashing back. This wasn't just a fun trip with friends. It was a championship. With high stakes. And Scarlett.

Sam's stomach churned. She wandered back to her room, eyeing the packed suitcase. Part of her wanted to unzip it, crawl inside, and hide from the world.

But Hannah's words echoed in her mind. Show 'em what you're made of.

She took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders. "I can do this," she whispered to her reflection. "I will do this."

With trembling fingers, she pulled out her phone and opened the team group chat.

"Can't wait for tomorrow! Who's pumped for Florida?"

The responses came flooding in:

"YESSSS! Beach time baby!" - Alicia "Gonna crush it!" - Jess "As long as there's AC on the bus, I'm good." - Maya

Sam's heart raced as she waited to see if Scarlett would respond. Minutes ticked by. Nothing.

She exhaled, both relieved and on edge. Maybe Scarlett would ignore her the whole trip. Maybe--

Her phone buzzed again. A private message.

Scarlett: "Hope you packed your sunscreen, Sammy. Wouldn't want that pretty skin of yours to burn."

Sam's blood ran cold. The seemingly innocent message dripped with menace. She could almost hear Scarlett's saccharine voice, see her predatory smile.

With shaking hands, she typed back:

"Thanks for the tip. See you tomorrow!"

Keep it casual. Don't engage. Don't let her get to you.

She tossed her phone aside, suddenly exhausted. As she crawled into bed, her mind raced with conflicting emotions. Excitement for the trip. Fear of Scarlett. Determination to prove herself.

Sam closed her eyes, willing sleep to come. Tomorrow would be the start of something new. A chance to rewrite her story.

Little did she know, Scarlett had very different plans for their Florida adventure.

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