Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- More Bully's

The hallways of Riverbank High buzzed with morning chatter. Sam hugged her books close, eyes darting nervously. A flash of blonde hair made her freeze.

Scarlett's voice cut through the noise. "Well, well, well, if it isn't our little bench warmer."

Maya and two other girls flanked Scarlett, predatory grins on their faces.

"Heard you had quite the meltdown yesterday, St. Onge," Maya sneered. "Crying in your car like a baby?"

Sam's cheeks burned. How did they know?

Scarlett leaned in close, her perfume overwhelming. "Aww, did we hurt your feelings? Maybe if you weren't such a pathetic loser—"

"Back off, Scarlett."

Hannah appeared, her small frame radiating fury.

Scarlett's eyes narrowed. "Look who decided to play hero. Careful, freshman. You don't want to end up like your loser friend here."

"I'd rather be her friend than yours any day," Hannah shot back. "At least Sam has a heart."

"Oh please," Maya scoffed. "Sam's nothing but dead weight on our team. She should do us all a favor and quit."

Sam's throat tightened. She wanted to disappear.

Hannah grabbed Sam's arm. "Let's go, Sam. They're not worth it."

As they turned to leave, Scarlett called out, "Run along, little mice. But remember, St. Onge – you can't hide forever."

Hannah led Sam to an empty classroom, slamming the door behind them.

"I can't believe those witches!" Hannah fumed. "Are you okay, Sam?"

Sam slumped against a desk. "How did they know about... yesterday?"

"Probably just guessing. Don't let them get to you."

"Easy for you to say," Sam mumbled. "Everyone likes you."

Hannah's eyes softened. "Hey, that's not true. And even if it was, I don't care what they think. You're my best friend, Sam."

"I just... I don't know how much more I can take."

"Listen to me," Hannah said firmly. "You are stronger than you know. We're going to get through this together, okay?"

Sam nodded, not quite believing it.

The bell rang, startling them both.

"Crap, we're gonna be late," Hannah groaned. "You good to go to class?"

"Yeah," Sam said, forcing a smile. "Thanks, Hannah. For everything."

As they hurried to their respective classes, Sam couldn't shake the dread in her stomach. Scarlett's words echoed in her mind: You can't hide forever.

The day crawled by in a haze of anxiety. Sam kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. But she could feel the stares, hear the whispers.

At lunch, she found Hannah waiting by her locker.

"Come on," Hannah said, grabbing her hand. "We're eating outside today."

They found a quiet spot under a tree, away from prying eyes.

"Spill," Hannah demanded as they sat. "What's really going on in that head of yours?"

Sam picked at her sandwich. "I just... I don't understand why they hate me so much. What did I ever do to Scarlett?"

Hannah's brow furrowed. "Honestly? I think she's jealous."

"Jealous?" Sam scoffed. "Of what? My stunning social skills?"

"No, dummy. Your talent. You're a better player than her, and she knows it."

Sam shook her head. "Now I know you're delusional."

"I'm serious!" Hannah insisted. "Remember that game last season? When Coach put you in as pitcher and you struck out their star batter?"

"That was just luck—"

"It wasn't, and you know it. Scarlett was fuming. I bet she's terrified you'll take her spot."

Sam mulled this over. Could it be true?

"Even if that's the case," she sighed, "it doesn't change anything. They still make my life hell."

Hannah squeezed her hand. "Then we fight back. Not with fists, but by proving them wrong. On the field."

"How? Coach barely lets me play."

"Then we practice. Every day after school if we have to. I'll help you."

Sam felt a flicker of hope. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, you idiot," Hannah grinned. "What are best friends for?"

For the first time that day, Sam smiled genuinely.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur. As the final bell rang, Sam steeled herself for the gauntlet of the hallway.

She barely made it ten feet before Scarlett materialized, blocking her path.

"Going somewhere, St. Onge?"

Sam's heart raced. Where was Hannah?

"I... I was just heading over to the felid," she stammered.

Scarlett's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Oh, don't worry. I'm heading there too. Maybe we can walk together."

Before Sam could respond, Scarlett grabbed her arm, nails digging in painfully.

"Listen carefully," Scarlett hissed. "You're nothing. A nobody. And if you think your little freshman friend can protect you, you're even dumber than I thought."

Sam trembled, unable to speak.

"Hey!" A familiar voice rang out. "Get your hands off her!"

Hannah marched towards them, fury blazing in her eyes.

Scarlett released Sam, her mask of innocence sliding back into place. "Oh, we were just having a friendly chat. Right, Sam?"

Sam nodded jerkily, avoiding eye contact.

Hannah grabbed Sam's other arm, glaring at Scarlett. "We're leaving. Now."

As they walked away, Scarlett called out sweetly, "See you at practice, girls!"

Once they were out of earshot, Hannah exploded. "What the hell was that? Why didn't you stand up for yourself?"

Sam's eyes stung with unshed tears. "I... I couldn't. I froze."

Hannah's anger deflated. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. It's just... I hate seeing her treat you like that."

"I know," Sam whispered. "I hate it too."

They walked in silence for a moment before Hannah spoke again.

"This ends now. We're going to show Scarlett and everyone else what you're really made of."

Sam looked at her skeptically. "How?"

Hannah's eyes gleamed with determination. "By making you the star of our next game."


"No buts. You've got the talent, Sam. It's time to let it shine."

As they approached the locker room, Sam felt a mix of fear and excitement. Maybe, just maybe, things could change.

Little did she know, Scarlett was watching from the shadows, her eyes burning with a dangerous intensity.

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