Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- Big Win

The stadium roared as the Riverhawks clutched the championship with a narrow victory. Confetti danced through the humid Florida air like rainbow snowflakes. Players engulfed each other in celebratory hugs, all except Sam, who stood slightly apart, clutching her mitt. She forced a smile, her insides recoiling as the reality of her own alienation sank deeper than the joy of victory should allow.

Scarlett sauntered towards her, a sinister grin warping her conventionally beautiful features.

"Well, St.Onge, we won even without your help. Bet it stings, doesn't it? Watching from the sidelines."

Sam's smile dimmed as she met Scarlett's gaze. "I'm just glad we won, for the team."

"Oh, spare me the self-righteous act. You know I run this team. And frankly, it's more fun without you mucking it up." Scarlett flicked a finger against Sam's chest.

From across the field, Hannah broke away from the jubilant group, her face clouded with concern as she approached them. "Hey, Sam, don't listen to her. Coach Willis just made a decision—"

Scarlett cut her off, stepping inches away from Sam, her voice a hiss. "Why don't you scuttle off, Hannah? Sam and I are having a moment."

Hannah's eyes flared with defiance. "She doesn't need this, Scarlett. Not today."

Sam sighed, her voice low and tired. "It's okay, Hannah. Let's just go join the others."

But Scarlett wasn't done. She leaned close, her breath hot on Sam's ear. "Remember, St.Onge, all these people celebrating? They're mine. You're here because I allow it. Don't ever forget that."

Sam felt her stomach twist, but before she could respond, Coach Willis called them to join the team photo. Reluctantly, Sam shuffled forward, constantly aware of Scarlett's piercing gaze like arrows in her back.

The team lined up, smiles plastered for the cameras. Scarlett slipped her arm around Sam's shoulders, pulling her close. The contact felt like a shackle. "Smile, Sammi. It's your last big game after all."

As the flash popped, Sam looked at the crowd, feeling the weight of Scarlett's presence like a chain around her neck.

Later, at the hotel celebration, Scarlett cradled the championship trophy like a newborn, parading around as if she had single-handedly secured the win. Sam watched from a corner, twisting the hem of her t-shirt, her isolation from the festivities stark.

Hannah came over with two cups of punch. "Ignored by the masses, huh? Welcome to the club," she joked, though her eyes were sincerely sympathetic.

Sam took a cup, her lips curving into a brief, wry smile. "Yeah, Scarlett's already sunk her claws in tonight. No surprise there."

"You don't deserve any of that crap, Sam. She's just..." Hannah paused, searching for the word.

"Terrifying? Manipulative? Take your pick." Sam took a sip, the sweetness of the punch doing little to soothe her bitterness.

"Both. And more. But hey," Hannah nudged her, "we did it. We won."

Sam looked around at her team, dancing and laughing, a world she felt barred from entering. "Yeah, we did." Her voice was somber. "I just wish it felt like my victory too."

"You played in those games leading up to this, Sam. You're part of this, no matter what Scarlett or anyone says."

Their moment was shattered as Scarlett approached, trophy still in hand, and sneered at Hannah. "Really slumming it tonight, are we?"

"Scarlett, can't you just stop? Just for tonight?" Sam's voice vaulted into pleading.

"Oh, St.Onge, I'm just playing." Scarlett's tone was mock-innocent. "You should enjoy the night. After all, beginning tomorrow, no more softball protection for little St.Onge."

Hannah stepped between them, her voice steely. "What's your problem, Scarlett? She's your teammate."

Scarlett's eyes narrowed, the menace unmistakable. "My problem isn't with you, Hannah. But keep pushing, and it could be."

The threat hung heavy, but before more could be said, Coach Willis clapped his hands, gathering attention. "Let's hear it for your efforts, team! A season well-played!"

Cheers erupted, and Scarlett's attention shifted, giving Sam and Hannah a chance to slip away. Outside, under the shimmer of the hotel's lights, Sam exhaled a shaky breath.

"The worst part," she confided, looking up at the palm trees swaying in the breeze, "is feeling like I should be happy, but instead, I'm just... trapped."

Hannah reached for her hand, squeezing it. "I'm here for you, Sam. No matter what Scarlett tries to do."

Their shared silence was a small refuge, a momentary escape from the storm. Sam squeezed back, grateful yet unsettled as she glanced back through the hotel windows at the party that should have been hers to enjoy.

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