Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- My only Friend

The news spread like wildfire, igniting whispers in every corner of the school. Students huddled in tight clusters, their voices a cacophony of disbelief and horror.

"Did you hear about Hannah?" Jenna whispered, glancing around as if the walls had ears.

"I can't believe it. She was just... there one moment," Maya chimed in, a fake tremor lining her voice. "Poor Sam."

"Who cares about Sam? Hannah was nice. Sam... she's just awkward."

Through the growing noise, Samantha 'Sam' St. Onge stood at her locker, numb. She gripped the cool metal, heart pounding in her chest like a desperate drum. The conversations brushed past her, a rapacious tide. She swallowed, forcing herself to breathe.

"Sam! Are you okay?"

Hannah's voice echoed in her mind. The warmth of that familiar laugh crossed her thoughts.

"Sam?" A hand landed on her shoulder, pulling her back into reality.

Sam turned to see Cassie, her expression fluttering between pity and disdain.

"Do you... do you need anything?"

"What could you possibly think I need?" Sam's voice felt foreign, thin and shaky. The pit of her stomach twisted at the thought of losing Hannah, her only friend, the only one who saw past the surface.

Cassie's gaze darted away, like a wounded animal seeking cover. "I just thought... maybe you want to talk?"

"What's there to talk about? Hannah's gone. She's dead." The words hung heavy in the air.

"Right. Well..." Cassie's bravado faltered. "I can't imagine how hard this is for you. I mean... no one liked her much, but—"

"Stop." Sam's voice broke like glass. "Don't talk about her like that."

"What do you want me to say? Look, I didn't mean it—"

"Why do you even care? You're one of Scarlett's little minions!"

"Excuse me?" Cassie took a step back, her voice rising. "I'm not one of those girls! You've got it all wrong!"

"Do I?" Sam stepped closer, clenching her fists. "All of you just wanted to see me suffer. And now... now Hannah's gone."

Cassie huffed, her face reddening. "Whatever. I can't deal with this."

Sam turned, allowing herself a moment to lean against the locker, her breath hitching. Laughter erupted down the hall, a cruel bubbling sound that stabbed at her heart. She turned to see Scarlett's group, heads bent together, all of them giggling like hyenas.

"Check it out, we've got a ghost in the hallway!" Maya's mocking voice sliced through the air, laughter spilling out like broken glass.

"Boo, Sammi! Hope you're ready for some haunting!" One of the girls elbowed Scarlett, who stood taller, a beautifully twisted smile dancing on her lips.

"Scarlett," Maya leaned in, whispering conspiratorially. "What do you think? How do we keep her quiet?"

"Just let Sam's misery be our entertainment for now." Scarlett's eyes twinkled with malevolence. "She'll break eventually. Just watch."

Sam's heart raced. The taunts washed over her, thickening the air with dread. She clenched her jaw, fighting back tears. Silently, she didn't know how she'd survive another day of this torment.

"Hey! Sam!" Maya called, cutting through the mass of dread pressing in on Sam. "You missed a great show last night! Everyone heard about Hannah; guess you're next!"

"Why don't you go bother someone who cares?" Sam shot back, adrenaline fueling her voice. She turned to rush down the hall, determined to escape the smirking faces spilling with hurtful laughter.

"Running away again?" Scarlett's voice followed her, playful yet menacing. "What a shame. You need to learn to toughen up, sweetie."

Sam slammed her locker shut, the sound echoing like a gunshot, reverberating through her. Every step felt heavier, each teacher's smirk an anchor dragging her deeper into the murky waters of despair.

"Where are you going?" Another girl from Scarlet's entourage blocked her path, arms crossed defiantly.

"Get out of my way." The plea wobbled in her throat, but Sam gritted her teeth, refusing to give in to fear.

"Or what? Are you going to cry? Just like Hannah?"

The words hit with a cold, hard punch. Sam stepped back, her heart racing.

"Leave her alone!" A voice broke through the haze — Hannah's sister, Ava. Though she'd always been the quieter accompanying shadow to her sister's vibrant presence, today her anger roared.

"Oh, look who it is," Scarlett waved dismissively, amusement dancing across her features. "The backup lost in the field. What's wrong? Want to join your sister in crying?"

"Shut up!" Ava's fists trembled, rage and sorrow mixing into stormy tears. "You think it's funny? You think it's a game? Hannah's dead because of freaks like you!"

"Now, that's where you're wrong," Scarlett held up a finger, a sinister smile creeping up. "She died because she wasn't meant to survive the big leagues. You see, sweet Ava, survival—" she leaned closer, tauntingly whispering, "—is for the strong. And your sister was weak."

"Ava, don't," Sam begged, caught in the tension, her heart racing.

"What's the matter, Sammi? You don't want your little friend to fight for you?" Scarlett tilted her head, the mockery dripping like poison.

"Back off!" Ava lunged forward but fizzled in the face of Scarlett's crowd. Fear flickered in her eyes.

"Isn't it nice to see how quickly friendships dissolve?" Scarlett crooned, glancing back at her loyal pack who snickered, eyes glinting with malice.

"Once you lose the popular vote," Maya chimed in, "you lose everything. And that's what happened to your sweet Hannah."

Another wave of resentment rushed through Sam as the laughter echoed. She felt as if she were drowning in a dark sea with no lifeline in sight.

"Why don't you just admit it?" Scarlett continued, leaning closer, eyes sparkling with malevolence. "You're the odd one out, Sam. Always have been. And now with Hannah gone, who will save you?"

Sam raised her chin defiantly, squaring her shoulders. "I don't need saving. I have... I had Hannah."

"Had?" Scarlett purred, the gleam in her eye chilling. "You're a joke, Sammi. Just like your best friend."

"Shut up!" Ava shouted, stepping forward again. "This isn't a joke! People died, and you think you're just going to get away with it? You're pathetic!"

Scarlett's smirk twisted into a frown. "Pathos only works for the weak. I don't play second fiddle to anyone."

"Right, you're too good for that," Ava snapped, biting back tears. "But look where you are. You're just a bully. A coward hiding behind a wall of friends who clearly don't care about you."

Scarlett's grip on her facade faltered for a moment, the tension puncturing the air as the laughter died down.

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