Chapter 20

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Chapter 20- Hate Hate Hate

The hallway buzzed with laughter from the party raging in the ballroom, but Scarlett stood outside the door, her arms crossed, intent. Her sharp gaze broke through the crowd as she zeroed in on Maya and a couple of teammates clustered nearby, whispering. They glanced at Scarlett, deferring to her authority with nervous energy.

Maya nudged a girl named Jenna. "Did you hear what Sam said? She thinks she can just walk into our team and be a star. Who does she think she is?" Her laughter echoed like sugar-coated daggers.

Scarlett sauntered over, a smirk curling her lips. "What's this? All of you gossiping about our little star player?" She leaned in, feigning empathy. "Sam's just a nuisance. I mean, come on, she hasn't even hit a home run yet."

Jenna shared a glance with Maya, enthusiasm crackling around them. "She really thinks she's gonna take your spot, Scar."

"Exactly," Maya chimed in, warmth in her voice, quickly dulled by the shadows of doubt. "She's out of her league, and who needs that kind of distraction?"

Scarlett savored their momentary unity. "And don't forget, she didn't even thank me for helping her out. I mean, who got her a place on the team? It was all me." She straightened, reveling in her own manipulation. "We're all about winning, right? We can't let someone like her ruin our chances."

The other girls nodded, eagerness mingling with apprehension.

"Did you see her during practice?" Maya continued. "She totally bombed yesterday. Couldn't catch a single ball!"

"Yeah, like my cat in a poured rainstorm." Scarlett laughed, and soon enough, the others joined her just a beat too late, hoping to ride on her coattails of humor.

"Exactly! She's such a joke." Jenna fell into line, inching closer to Scarlett.

Scarlett took a step back, a predatory glint in her eye. "So, the question is... should we let her crash our team?"

"I say we run a vote," Maya suggested, casual but certain. "Get everyone on board."

Scarlett shrugged, her confidence unwavering. "Thinking maybe we just make sure she knows she doesn't belong. I could throw some digs her way at practice tomorrow..." She trailed off, her face a perfect mask of consideration.

Jenna's brow furrowed. "But, like, is that necessary?"

A flicker of irritation crossed Scarlett's features, swiftly masked by an engaging smile. "Listen, Jenna. Winning isn't just about skill—it's about knowing your place. We've been working hard for our shots on this team. Some rookie off the street wanders in, makes us feel like we've been replaced? What's that going to do to team morale?"

The others nodded, passions coursed through the group as Scarlett's words sank in.

A familiar face interrupted them—Cassie strolled over, her auburn hair swaying. "What's going on here? Are you girls gossiping—or should I say, strategizing?"

Oh, perfect timing, Scarlett thought.

Before anyone else could speak, she stepped forward, exuding friendliness. "We're just discussing how we can make sure our team stays strong. You know how much I care, right?"

"Uh, yeah..." Cassie hesitated, confidence faltering. "So what's the plan then?"

"Oh nothing much," Scarlett drawled, pretending to be casual. "Just that Sam shouldn't get too comfortable. I mean, don't you think it's a bit demeaning for us to have someone like her representing our team?"

Cassie frowned while Maya leaned in. "She's not even a team player. I can't believe she thinks she's any good," she sneered. "She should just stick to the b-team."

A flicker of guilt passed through Cassie's eyes before she masked it with determination. "But do we really need to treat her like that? I mean, she's still part of the team..."

"Part?" Scarlett cut her off, infusing her words with contempt. "She's a parasite, and parasites need to be removed."

A ripple of laughter echoed through the hallway, buoyed by Scarlett's charisma.

Maya tilted her head at Cassie. "You on Sam's side too? You realize she's no good for us, right?"

Cassie hesitated, glancing at the door where Sam could walk in any moment.

Scarlett seized the opening. "Listen, Cassie. Do you want to go back to winning the championship or not?"

"Of course," Cassie retorted, cool determination creeping into her voice.

"Then we do what we have to," Scarlett insisted, her tone dropping to a menacing whisper. "Support the cause, and stop worrying about one sad little girl's feelings. Let's focus on the game."

"But..." Cassie started, but the resolve in her voice faltered before she could finish.

Scarlett's expression hardened. "It's our future at stake. With Sam? That future looks grim."

"Fine." Cassie's unwilling compliance startled her but spoke more of doubt than agreement.

Scarlett leaned back, a triumph painted across her face. "Great. Then we're all on the same page. Sam needs to know just how unwelcoming our team can be if she wants to waste our time."

Jenna grinned, her allegiance clearly aligning with Scarlett.

"Let's send a little message tomorrow," Maya added, enthusiasm returning.

Scarlett raised her glass to the girls. "Cheers to a winning team."

Laughter erupted, but a chill snaked through the air. The overconfident facade began to crack as the voices subsided, casting shadows over a sound made from cruelty.

They parted ways with newfound conviction, each stepping away, yet none realizing the true cost of their unity. Alone in the bright hallway, the echoes of laughter lingered, leaving only tension in its wake.

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