Chapter 36

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Chapter 36- A Fresh Start


Sunlight poured through the thin curtains of the small, tidy apartment. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves outside, infusing the morning air with the scent of fresh blossoms. Sam stood in front of her cluttered kitchen counter, carefully spreading butter on a slice of toast, her prosthetic leg anchoring her balance.

"Pancakes today?" James, her neighbor and closest friend, leaned against the doorframe, his playful grin wide.

"Just toast," Sam replied without looking up, her focus intent. "Can't do too much before the coffee kicks in."

"Ah, the sacred ritual." He chuckled, stepping inside and grabbing a mug from the drying rack. "I thought we agreed you were treating me to the works."

"Agreed? I don't recall signing off on that." She raised an eyebrow, then glanced over. "Besides, I need to save my energy for the big move. Keep some on reserve for the chaos later."

"Your energy is mostly spent on avoiding the chaos." He poured coffee, steam curling into the air. "Didn't we talk about facing the fear of your past? You can't keep hiding from it, you know."

"I'm not hiding." Sam turned, finally meeting his gaze. "I'm... preparing. It's a big adjustment. I finally have a chance to be normal, or something close to it."

"You mean 'not living in constant dread of someone showing up with a smile that screams red flags'? Yeah, that's a goal," James said, swirling the coffee before taking a sip. "But you have to be braver than that. You can't live your life around what happened with Scarlett."

"Don't say her name." The tension crackled in the air. Sam crossed her arms, drawing a breath to steady herself.

James put his mug down and stepped closer, concern replacing his humor. "I get it. It's just... if you want to truly move on, you have to face those memories instead of letting them haunt you."

She sighed, a heavy weight settling in her chest. "I know. It's just hard. I keep thinking about how she could find me. How she—"

"Will not. She's locked up." His tone was firm, arms now crossed with determination. "When that trial happened, there was no doubt in my mind you'd be free to reclaim your life. This is your chance, Sam."

"Easier said than done." She turned away, fiddling with her toast. Each bite tasted like uncomfortable truths and raw nerve endings.

"Seriously, how do you think it'll feel? Just let it go. Live your life with all you've got!" James grabbed a piece of toast, taking a bite. "And maybe finally start dating?"

"Dating?" she mirrored incredulously, eyes wide. "What are you smoking?"

"Hey. It's a perfectly legitimate idea." He grinned, and his words spilled out lightheartedly. "You're young, smart, and now, finally out from—or not under—her thumb."

"I can't even think about that. I barely trust myself to invite someone over to play Mario Kart."

"Mario Kart, really? Come on, we can go *to the arcade* if you're worried."

"Infuriating." Sam rolled her eyes, imagining the blaring lights and laughing crowds.

"Infuriating is half the fun." He nudged her lightly. "Come with me. We'll practice, build a new habit."

"Or I'll just feel awful about losing."

"Or you'll be the queen of the arcade, ruling over the land of retro games."

"C'mon, who even does that?" She let out a snort.

"Winners! Besides, it could be a blast."

"Going out into the abyss? Not sure I'm ready for that."

James leaned closer, his voice soothing. "We've waited too long. You deserve to be happy, Sam. Take the leap."

"Why do you care so much? I'm just your quirky neighbor." She raised an eyebrow, but amusement flickered in her eyes.

"Quirky is code for 'amazing with an explosion of potential'. And I'm the lucky guy who gets to watch that evolution."

Sam raised her glass of water mockingly. "Here's to evolution. May it take me away from burnt toast and awkward small talk."

"Spoken like a true queen," he declared dramatically.

"Yeah, a queen with a prosthetic leg and bitter past to boot."

"Exactly! You rise up, toast in hand, daring the world to underestimate you."

That made her laugh, and for a moment, the memories faded.

"But seriously. I'll be there, okay? No matter how wild this new world gets."

"Thanks, James." Sam took a bite of her toast thoughtfully. "Should I start by letting off some steam first?"

James clasped his hands together. "All right! We're going all in! We'll eat the grease, drink the soda, and scream at the top of our lungs about Mario!"

"Fine, but stakes involved." She smirked.

"Agreed! Loser buys ice cream? Are you aware of who you're up against?"

Sam smiled slyly. "You just sealed your fate, my friend."

As James prepared to leave, she felt lighter than she had in months. The haunted past still lingered, shadowy and intriguing, but it faded behind the promise of a new chapter.

"First, I need to find my gaming skills," she called after him.

"And we shall revive them with pizza."

"Now you're talking."

And as they exited, hand-in-hand into the bright possibility, an echo of laughter filled the room. Step by step, with an eager heart, Sam prepared to conquer her new life

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