Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The Call

Sam's trembling fingers fumbled with her phone as she locked herself in the hotel bathroom. The cold tile floor chilled her bare feet, grounding her in the harsh reality of her situation. She slid down against the door, knees drawn to her chest, and dialed her parents' number.
One ring. Two rings. Three—
"Hello?" Her mother's familiar voice crackled through the speaker.
"Mom," Sam choked out, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Samantha? Honey, what's wrong?"
Sam's eyes darted to the bathroom door. Scarlett was still in their shared room, her presence an ever-looming threat.
"I—I can't do this anymore. I need to come home."
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm not hurt, but—" Sam's voice cracked. "It's Scarlett. She won't leave me alone. She's everywhere, all the time, and I can't—"
"Slow down, sweetie. Take a deep breath."
Sam inhaled shakily, her mother's steady voice a lifeline in the storm of her emotions.
"Now, tell me what's going on with Scarlett."
"She's... obsessed with me, Mom. She keeps saying I belong to her, that she owns me. And it's not just words. The way she looks at me, touches me—it's like I'm her property."
"That's unacceptable behavior. Have you told your coach?"
Sam laughed bitterly. "Coach Willis? He worships the ground Scarlett walks on. She's his star player. He'd never believe me."
"Then we'll talk to the school administration when you get back. This is harassment, Samantha."
"I don't think I can wait that long. Every minute here feels like torture."
A muffled voice came through the phone. Her father.
"Is that Dad? Put him on speaker."
There was a brief shuffling before her father's deep voice filled the tiny bathroom.
"Sam? What's this about coming home early?"
"Dad, please. I can't stay here with her. Scarlett, she's—"
"The girl you've been having trouble with? Has she hurt you?"
"Not physically, but—"
"Then what's the problem? You can't run away every time someone gives you a hard time, kiddo."
Sam's heart sank. "You don't understand. This isn't just teasing or bullying. She's dangerous."
"Dangerous how?" her mother interjected. "Has she threatened you?"
"Yes! No. I mean, not directly, but—"
"Samantha," her father's voice hardened. "Are you making accusations without proof?"
"No! I'm telling you how I feel. Why won't you believe me?"
"We believe you're upset," her mother said softly. "But leaving now could jeopardize your position on the team. You've worked so hard for this."
Sam's free hand clenched into a fist. "The team doesn't matter if I'm terrified every second I'm here!"
"Now, now," her father chided. "Let's not be dramatic. You're probably just homesick and blowing things out of proportion."
"I'm not—"
A sharp knock on the bathroom door made Sam jump.
"Sam?" Scarlett's sickeningly sweet voice filtered through. "Who are you talking to in there?"
Sam's breath caught in her throat. She pressed the phone closer to her ear, lowering her voice to a frantic whisper.
"She's here. Please, you have to help me."
"Is that Scarlett?" her mother asked. "Why don't you talk to her? Clear the air between you two."
"Mom, no! You don't—"
"Your mother's right," her father chimed in. "Communication is key. Face your problems head-on, Sam. That's how you grow."
Sam's eyes burned with unshed tears. "You're not listening to me!"
"Samantha," Scarlett called again, her tone sharpening. "Open this door right now."
"We are listening," her mother insisted. "But you need to calm down and think rationally."
"Rational? There's nothing rational about this situation!"
Her father sighed heavily. "If you can't handle being on a team with someone you don't get along with, maybe you're not ready for college softball after all."
The words hit Sam like a physical blow. "Dad, that's not fair—"
"Life isn't fair, kiddo. You need to toughen up."
Sam's throat tightened, choking off her response. The bathroom door rattled as Scarlett jiggled the handle.
"I know you're in there, Sam," Scarlett's voice dropped to a menacing purr. "Don't make me come in and get you."
"Was that Scarlett?" her mother asked. "She sounds worried about you."
A hysterical laugh bubbled up in Sam's chest. "Worried? She's—"
"Sam," her father cut in. "We love you, but you need to handle this on your own. It's part of growing up."
"No buts. Face your fears. We'll see you when you get home."
The line went dead, leaving Sam in suffocating silence. She stared at her phone in disbelief as Scarlett's incessant knocking grew louder.
"I'm counting to three, Sam. One... two..."
Sam squeezed her eyes shut, a single tear escaping down her cheek. She was truly alone now.

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