Chapter One

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Chapter 1- The Start of a Torment

The hallways of Riverbank High School bustled with activity as students rushed between classes. Samantha St. Onge kept her head down, clutching her books tightly against her chest. Her strawberry blonde waves fell across her face as she hurried along, trying to become invisible.

"Well, well, if it isn't Four-Eyes herself."

Sam froze at the familiar taunting voice. Scarlett Jones sauntered over, flanked by her entourage of popular girls.

"Where do you think you're going in such a hurry, St.Onge?" Scarlett fixed Sam with a predatory smile.
Sam gulped, her throat constricting with fear. "I...I have algebra next."

"Oh, good thing you're smart since that's about all you've got going for you." Maya Patel, Scarlett's best friend, snickered loudly.

The other girls joined in, their giggles echoing cruelly down the corridor. Sam flushed crimson, gripping her books even tighter.

Scarlett stepped closer, her glacial eyes boring into Sam's. "Nice glasses, grandma. You're really rocking that hobo-chic look."

"Leave me alone, Scarlett..." Sam mumbled, staring at her shoes.

"What was that?" Scarlett cupped a hand around her ear mockingly. "I couldn't hear you over the sound of your tragic existence."

The laughter intensified as Scarlett smirked victoriously. Sam blinked back tears, her shoulders hunched.

"Oh come on, it was just a joke." Scarlett reached out and plucked Sam's glasses right off her face. "Here, let me help you with these..."

"No, please!" Sam gasped, hands flying up in panic.

But Scarlett was already slipping the glasses onto her own face, blinking exaggeratedly. "Wow, St.Onge, how can you even see out of these coke bottles? No wonder you can't hit a softball to save your life."

The girls exploded into fresh peals of laughter. Sam flushed deeper, if it was even possible.

"Give those back!" She made a desperate grab for her glasses, but Scarlett deftly danced out of reach.

"Not so fast, Four-Eyes." Scarlett grinned wolfishly. "What'll you give me for them?"

Sam opened and closed her mouth, trembling with impotent rage and embarrassment. The tardy bell rang shrilly overhead.

"Oops, look at the time!" Scarlett made a show of glancing at her bare wrist. "Better get to class, girls. We can play Keep Away from the Nerd later."

With that parting shot, she tossed Sam's glasses disdainfully to the ground and flounced away, her posse following behind like loyal dogs.

Tears blurring her vision, Sam crouched to retrieve her glasses. The frame was bent, one lens crazed with spiderweb cracks. Great, just one more thing to upset her parents about...

She swiped angrily at her eyes and headed for her next class, the hateful laughter still ringing in her ears.

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