Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- The Game

The sun blazed overhead as the Riverhawks huddled on the field, their faces a mix of determination and nervous energy. Sam stood at the edge, her eyes darting between Coach Willis and Scarlett.

"Alright, ladies, this is it," Coach Willis barked. "Jones, you're starting pitcher. Patel, first base. St. Onge, you're on the bench."

Sam's heart sank. Hannah shot her a sympathetic glance.

"But Coach, I've been practicing-"

"Did I ask for your opinion, St. Onge?" Willis snapped. "Bench. Now."

As the team dispersed, Scarlett sidled up to Sam, her voice sickeningly sweet. "Aw, don't worry St.Onge. I'm sure you'll get to play... eventually."

Sam clenched her fists, willing herself not to react.

Hannah approached, concern etched on her face. "Sam, you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sam muttered, her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Don't let her get to you," Hannah whispered. "Your time will come."

The game began, and Sam watched from the sidelines as Scarlett dominated the mound. Her pitches were fierce, her focus laser-sharp. Between innings, Scarlett made a point of strutting past Sam.

"See that, St. Onge? That's how a real player performs."

Sam gritted her teeth, her nails digging into her palms.

As the game progressed, the Riverhawks maintained a narrow lead. During a water break, Scarlett cornered Sam near the dugout.

"Having fun warming the bench?" Scarlett smirked. "You know, if you were nicer to me, maybe I could put in a good word with Coach."

"I don't need your help," Sam hissed.

Scarlett's eyes narrowed. "Oh, but you do. You see, I own this team. I own you."

"You don't own anyone," Sam retorted, her voice trembling.

Scarlett leaned in close, her breath hot on Sam's ear. "Keep telling yourself that, Sammi. But remember, I can make your life here a living hell if I want to."

Sam jerked away, her heart pounding. She scanned the field for Hannah, desperate for an ally.

The game entered its final inning. The Riverhawks were up by one, but their opponents were rallying. Coach Willis paced nervously.

"Jones, you're up," he barked.

Scarlett sauntered to the plate, winking at Sam as she passed. "Watch and learn, bench warmer."

Sam's fingers dug into the bench as Scarlett stepped up to bat. The pitch came fast, but Scarlett was faster. The crack of the bat echoed across the field as the ball soared into the outfield.

Cheers erupted from the Riverhawks dugout. Scarlett jogged back, basking in the glory.

"That's how it's done," she gloated, her eyes fixed on Sam.

The game ended with a Riverhawks victory. As the team celebrated, Sam stood apart, a hollow feeling in her chest.

Hannah approached, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You'll get your chance, Sam. I know it."

"Thanks," Sam murmured, forcing a smile.

As the team filed into the locker room, Scarlett blocked Sam's path.

"Not so fast, St. Onge. I think you owe me a thank you."

Sam's brow furrowed. "For what?"

"For winning the game, of course," Scarlett smirked. "Without me, you'd all be losers."

"We're a team," Sam countered. "Everyone contributed."

Scarlett's eyes flashed dangerously. "Oh, St.Onge When will you learn? There's no 'we' here. There's me, and then there's everyone else."

She leaned in close, her voice dropping to a whisper. "And you? You're nothing without me."

Sam felt her throat tighten, tears threatening to spill. She pushed past Scarlett, rushing into a bathroom stall.

Moments later, a soft knock sounded. "Sam? It's Hannah. You okay in there?"

Sam emerged, her eyes red-rimmed. "I can't do this anymore, Hannah. She's everywhere, always watching, always... controlling."

Hannah's face softened. "I know it's hard, but you can't let her win. You're stronger than she thinks."

"Am I?" Sam's voice cracked. "She's right. I'm nothing on this team."

"That's not true," Hannah insisted. "You're an amazing player. And an even better friend."

Sam managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Hannah."

As they exited the bathroom, they found Scarlett waiting, arms crossed.

"Well, well. Having a little pity party, are we?"

Hannah stepped forward, shielding Sam. "Back off, Scarlett."

Scarlett's eyes narrowed. "Careful, freshman. You don't want to make an enemy of me."

"Is that a threat?" Hannah challenged.

Scarlett's laugh was cold. "Oh, sweetie. I don't make threats. I make promises."

She turned her gaze to Sam. "Remember what I said, St. Onge. Your life here? It's in my hands."

As Scarlett sauntered away, Sam felt a chill run down her spine.

Hannah squeezed her hand. "Don't listen to her, Sam. We'll get through this together."

Sam nodded, but inside, doubt gnawed at her. As they left the locker room, she couldn't shake the feeling that Scarlett's words were more than just empty threats.

The Florida sun beat down as they stepped outside, but Sam felt cold. Scarlett's control extended beyond the field, beyond the game. And as much as she wanted to fight it, a part of her wondered if resistance was futile.

"You coming?" Hannah called, already halfway to the bus.

Sam took a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I'm coming."

As she jogged to catch up, Sam couldn't help but glance over her shoulder. Scarlett stood in the doorway, her eyes fixed on Sam, a triumphant smile playing on her lips.

Sam turned away, quickening her pace. But she couldn't outrun the nagging fear that Scarlett's game was only just beginning.

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