Chapter 39

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Chapter 39- Right Back Where you Started

The cold air seeped into the dark room, sending shivers down Sam's spine as she blinked against the dim light. Her heart raced. Panic surged when she realized her leg—her prosthetic leg—was missing. A futile tug on her bindings only intensified the knots in her stomach.

"Scarlett!" Her voice trembled, a whisper laced with dread.

"Shhh." Scarlett's voice, sweet yet commanding, cut through the silence. Shadows danced along the walls as Scarlett appeared, her presence both intoxicating and terrifying. She wore matching pajamas, the same soft cotton as Sam's. The sight settled like ice in Sam's veins.

Scarlett knelt beside her. "Look at you, all scared and alone." She brushed a lock of strawberry-blonde hair away from Sam's face, her fingers brushing against the skin, sending electric shocks through Sam's body. It felt both warm and wrong.

"Where are we?" Sam fought to keep the tremor from her voice, knowing it would only please Scarlett—a fact that made her stomach churn.

Scarlett giggled, a sound that twisted Sam's insides. "My new hideout, darling! Isn't it cozy?" She spun, arms wide, showcasing a room that felt both lavish and suffocating. A massive chandelier hung in the center, glinting menacingly with shards of glass and light.

"Get me out of here." Sam's heart barked in her chest, each beat echoing her desperation.

"No can do!" Scarlett's eyes sparkled, her smile unnervingly bright. "I've waited too long to have you back. The world outside? It's overrated. We're going to have a fantastic time together, just like before."

"Like before?" Sam blurted. "You mean the captivity and fear? I'm not your possession, Scarlett! You can't just take me!"

Scarlett's laughter filled the room, a mixture of delight and defiance. "Oh, sweet Sam. You're made for me. You always have been." She scooped Sam into her arms, lifting her as though she were weightless. "Just like this."

Sam's heart sank again, fear spilling over. She squirmed, fists clenching, but Scarlett's grip was unyielding.

"I can't do this!" Sam screamed, tears stinging her eyes.

"Shhh." Scarlett nestled closer, the fabric of her pajamas brushing against Sam. "You'll miss this comfort when you realize how much I've missed you."

When Scarlett placed her on a plush couch in the middle of the lavish room, Sam instinctively recoiled, the weight of her dread crashing like waves.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Scarlett gestured around, her gaze sweeping over the ornate decor. "Our new home in the middle of nowhere. Just us. Isn't this what you wanted?"

"Are you insane?" Sam's voice cracked. "You think I wanted this? I can't—there are no windows. I can't... I can't breathe!"

"That's the beauty," Scarlett replied, her eyes alight with manic joy. "Without distractions, without anyone bothering us. You get to focus on me. On us."

"Us? There is no us." Sam's breath quickened. "You're delusional. You kept me captive. I thought—" She paused, stifling a sob.

"You thought what?" Scarlett leaned in, her face a mask of faux innocence. "That my love would fade? Oh, sweet Sam, love doesn't let go so easily."

Sam shivered, memories flooding her mind—scarred walls, darkness, and screams echoing in her ears.

"Look what I've done for you!" Scarlett continued, ignoring Sam's terror. "I even brought your favorites along." She rummaged through a nearby box, pulled out a stuffed animal, a worn-out dog with floppy ears. "Mr. Pickles! He missed you so much."

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