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Cameron's POV

"Cameron come down, breakfast is ready!" My mom yells from downstairs. I groan as I stare down at my notepad trying to atleast get a line down for my college essay.

I go into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I take a shower and then get out looking at myself in the mirror. My short wavy jet black hair sticks to my brown skin from the steam and my lashes frame my hazel green eyes. I brush my teeth and wash my face and then put on my clothes. I put on a tan Juice Wrld graphic tee with orange butterflies and black cargo pants and Starfish air Jordan ones. I dry my hair and then head down.

I head downstairs jumping the last 5 and walk into the kitchen. "Good morning mom." I say kissing her cheek and then taking a seat at the island as she plates the food.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" She asks making herself a cup of coffee.

I shrug. "Good I guess. Just stressed about my essay. I still haven't got anything down and I graduate in less than 3 months."

"Oh baby, I'm sure you'll figure it out and then once you do, the college acceptance letters will be flooding through." She says optimistic and I nod still unsure.

I take out my phone and see the time is almost 10. "Oh shit!"


"Sorry. I'm gonna be late for work. Thanks for breakfast. I love you. Bye." I say all in one breath and head out the door and on to my bike. No, not a bicycle. Nah this is a 2024 Kawasaki Ninja 650 cc. My mom bought it for me for my 18th birthday and I've been in love with it ever since.

I ride downtown and pass my favorite bookstore, Novels Nook. I usually go there every day before work so I can have something to read during the slow shift, but I'm already running late and don't want to hear Karlie. I pull up to the coffee shop and rush in and hope I don't run into her. I get behind the counter and throw on my apron quickly to start taking orders. "You're late." Karlie says coming behind the counter.

"What are you talking about? I've been right here." I say as I make the customers orders. She points to the camera and I sigh. I hand the customer their order and then turn to her. "I'm sorry."

She sighs. "What's the excuse today Cam?" She asks.

"Stressing over college essays. I can't figure it out." I groan.

"I don't even understand collage essays. Plus don't you have a scholarship already?" She asks taking the next persons order and I begin to make it.

I nod. "Yes but that's in basketball."

She shrugs. "And? I thought you liked playing?"

I hand the order off. "And I do but ever since I almost tore my meniscus, I don't know, I just don't think it's worth it. It's fun but not career worthy to me." I say honestly. It was our last game of the season and I went for the last shot of the game and one of the opposing team members, fouled me by nearly taking me completely out by tripping me. The doctor said I was lucky it was only a sprain but if I kept playing I would've tore it.

"I get that. That shit was scary. I never heard you scream like that before." She said. Karlie is my bestfriend since freshman year of high school. I was the girl related to the popular basketball player, my brother, Caleb. And she was the nerd that kept getting picked on because she was the new girl in our town. We quickly became friends and everyone stopped picking on her because she became friends with me and then eventually she started sticking out, with her losing her glasses and getting lasik. Her ocean blue eyes sparkle, her freckles on her cheeks carry so much beauty and her platinum blonde hair makes all the guys swoon and bow at her feet. She may look like the baddest bitch in the land but she's super sweet.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "Exactly and I don't want to experience something like that again. So I'm working on getting approved academically but I can't even get a first sentence down."

She shrugs. "You could just not go to college." I look at her like she's crazy. She laughs. "What? We could travel together and say fuck this place. It'll be fun."

I shake my head laughing. "My mom would kill me."

"Your mom is cool. She'd understand you wanting a break from school for a while." She says and she has a point but I don't know. My mom has always encouraged us to put our education first before anything. I had to practically beg her to let me get this job. Telling her that Karlie was managing it was probably the reason why.

"I guess. But I'll still work on my essay." She rolls her eyes and we continue working and talking about random stuff.

"Uh oh hottie 12 o'clock." She says nodding towards the door and I turn to see Caleb. I scrunch up my face and she laughs and I hit her arm.

"Good morning guys." He says smiling coming up to the counter in his schools tracksuit. Some people say we could pass as twins but he's two years older than me, his black hair has been cut into a buzz cut and his eyes are just a little darker than mine. He's 6'2 while I'm 5'11.

"Hey Caleb." Karlie says flirty batting her eyes at him and I want to gag. She's always had a crush on him and it just confuses me because he has sister zoned her so many times, it's basically giving incest at this point.

"What's up?" I say plainly.

"Just came by to see my favorite sister."

I roll my eyes. "I'm your only sister. What do you want?"

He laughs. "I'm serious I just came by to see you."

I narrow my eyes skeptically. "Mom told you I was struggling on my essays didn't she?"

He bites the side of his mouth. "Maybe?" I scoff. "Oh come on Cam. I can help you. I got in with my essay. They said it was their best yet." He says basically begging.

I roll my eyes. "I don't need help Caleb. I got it. I don't need my big brother helping me with my homework." I leave the counter with him calling my name but me ignoring him.

I walk out to the front and take a breath. It's always been like this. Always having to rely on him or everyone thinking I want to be like him or should follow his footsteps. Which is how I got into basketball in the first place. "Ugh!"

"Rough day?" I hear the voice of an angel and look over to see the greyish blue eyes that has always made even the worse days feel light. She's wearing a burgundy tracksuit just like Caleb and her brown lose curly hair is in a pony tail. Her tan skin shines in the sun. She smiles at me and I swallow.

"Uh not really. Just hate when he tries to come to the rescue every time." I say shrugging.

She nods and then leans against the wall with me. "He just cares about you Cameron. He is your brother." She says and I hate when she comes around. It's like I'm not allowed to be angry.

I nod. "I know. It just gets annoying."

"Atleast you have a sibling to annoy you. Only child syndrome hits hard sometimes." She says and smiles at me.

"What are you doing here, Athena?" I ask her.

"Break from work and Caleb offered coffee but then I saw you come out here looking frustrated. Wanted to check on you." She says and that fills my heart more than it should.

"Well thanks." She nods and then we head back inside.

"Oh there you are. Here." Caleb says to Athena handing her, her coffee. She hums and I swear it was a moan but I blink away and head back around the counter. "Good right?" She nods.

"You ok?" Karlie asks in whisper and I nod still looking at Athena.

"Ok we're going to head out. See you for dinner." He says.

"Bye Karlie, bye Cameron." She says smiling and winking at me and I swear my breath got caught in my throat.

"Jeez you got it bad for her." Karlie says and I roll my eyes.

"It'll never happen."

"Never say never my dear lesbian, never say never."

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