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Cameron's POV

After talking to Karlie, I just came back inside and went to the kitchen. "Everything ok?" Athena asks coming into the kitchen.

I look up from making a sandwhich to see her walking to me. I take a breath when she stands by me. "Yeah. Just some stuff with her mom." I shrug trying to play it off.

She folds her arms and leans on the counter. "That whole situation is kinda fucked up but I guess everyone has their darkness they have to get through." She says and I look at her.

"Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you have darkness you need to get through?" I ask concerned and the awkwardness has washed away.

She smiles. "No but you do." She says and I tilt my head in confusion. "You getting high to get your mind off stuff. I'm your friend Cam, you can tell me what's actually going on." She says touching my hand and rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm just stressed about college. Weren't you?" I ask trying to get the attention off of me.

She shrugs and moves her hand. "Not really. I had already got my track scholarship so that was that. But the coaches told me to write an essay to prove my academic success is just as worthy then my athletic." She looks down then back up. "You're smart and athletic too Cameron. I get not knowing what to write but I smelt the bullshit before it flew out of your mouth. So tell me what's up? No more stalling."

I sigh and pull myself up on the counter next to her. I start playing with the drawstring on my sweat pants. "I-I like this girl. And it sucks because I'm confident she doesn't like me back atleast not in the way I like her." I shrug.

"Girl troubles really? That's why you're getting blacked out? Damn what kind of spell does she have you under?" She jokes seriously.

I shrug. "I don't know. But I guess recently she's been giving me signs that maybe she is into me but I don't want to push my luck."

"Well, if she's showing clear signs that she's into you, maybe she's into you." She looks me in my eyes and I see a hint of something but I can't figure it out.

"How do you know for sure though?" I ask.

"Well," she moves in between my legs and places her hands on my thighs and I swear I'm going to pass out from how much I'm holding my breath. "Girls are a little easy. They'll look at you as if you're the only thing they see in their path. Their eyes focus on you." Her eyes stay on mine. "They'll want to be close to you." Her hands slightly grip my thighs. "She'll just want to be around you, normally alone." She looks down at my mouth and back to my eyes. "Breathe Cameron." She whispers and I release the breath. Then she's gone as if she wasn't there to begin with. My eyes track her movements as she goes to the fridge and gets a water.

"What was that?" I ask frustrated and confused.

She looks at me confused and then chuckles. "What?"

I tilt my head. "Uh what you just did. You in between my legs and talking and touching me like that?"

She frowns. "Cam what are you talking about? I was beside you talking to you the entire time." She walks up to me seeing my confused face and touches it. "You're burning up. Are you feeling ok?" Did I imagine it?

I clear my throat. "Yeah I'm fine." I grab her hand that's on my forehead and move it off. "I'm good Athena. I uh I just got lost in my head, I guess. I'm gonna take this upstairs. See you later." I pick up my sandwich and walk out of the kitchen to my room.

What the fuck was that?


I hear the front door close, letting me know mom probably just got in from her shift from the hospital. She loves her job as a doctor so she never complains but I do not envy her. "Wake up baby, it's time for school." She calls from outside my door and I groan in response. Her steps fade and bedroom door closes.

I stretch and get out of bed. Doing my morning routine, I get dressed in a white tee with my grey Nike shorts and pullover hoodie and Air Force ones. I comb the knots out of my hair and let my hair do its thing. I head down stairs and grab my keys to head to school.

I pull up and Karlie pulls up at the same time so we park next to each other. "Good morning." She says rubbing her eyes from the sleep.

"Long night?" I ask laughing. She nods and holds her arms out for me to give her piggy back ride. I roll my eyes and turn. She hops up and I grab her legs to wrap them around me and her head lays on my back.

"You guys are not helping with the rumors that you guys are dating, ya know?" Sierra says walking with us inside. I see people staring and talking.

I frown. "Are all the rumors around this school about me?" I ask annoyed.

She laughs and nods. "Pretty much."

I scoff and tap Karlie to let her know we're at her locker. She slides off and gets her stuff out. "Oh hey Sierra." She says and we laugh.

"Hey Karlie. So, I was hoping we could go out sometime Cameron." She says and I look at Karlie and she nods.

"Uh sure, when?" I ask.

"Friday?" I nod and smiles and looks like she held herself from jumping up and down, cute. "I'll pick you up?"

I shake my head. "I'll pick you up. I'm already riding with you to prom." She rolls her playfully and then agrees. "I'll pick you up at 6 after school." I say and she nods and then leaves.

"Ooo someone's got a hot date." Karlie teases. I roll my eyes and we get to class. "Where do you think she's going to take you?" She asks.

I shrug. "Probably a movie." She nods and then class starts. I sit back and listen but I can't help but think I'm forgetting something.

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