Where Is She

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Athena's POV

"How does the use of symbolism in The Great Gatsby enhance the novel's themes?" The professor ask and then someone raises their hand to answer. I feel my phone vibrate and ignore it because he's a hardass and will kick you out if you even take your eyes off for a second during his lectures. It vibrates again and I smile hoping it's Cameron telling me she's having a terrible day without me. The class door opens and everyone's eyes snap to, Caleb? "Can I help you?" The professor asks an out of breath Caleb.

I immediately get up and get my stuff and go down to the door. "What's going on?" I ask concerned. He doesn't say anything but look at me and he's been crying. "Let's go!" I grab him and we leave the class not caring about the consequences of leaving.

We get to his car and he still hasn't said a word. He goes to get in the drivers seat but I take his keys. "Caleb! Talk to me, what the hell is going on?!" I yell at him full panic now. He just shakes his head. "I'm driving!" We get in. "Where are we going?"

He looks at me shaking. "Greenboro." His moms job? I shake the feeling of breaking down away because I can't risk getting us hurt. I drive us to the hospital while Caleb is crying hysterically in his hands. What the fuck happened?! We make it to the hospital and immediately go to the emergency entrance. "Caleb Sims, I'm the brother of Cameron Sims!" He says and though I knew it had something to do with Cameron my heart felt like it stopped. Everything muffles and it's like a ringing in my ear.

"What happened?" I interrupt whatever it is they're saying. I look at the nurse and she looked stressed. I slam my hand on the counter. "What the fuck happened?!" She jumps and Caleb grabs me back and sits me down. "Caleb why is no one telling me anything? Tell me what happened, please." I beg him with tears flooding out.

His eyes swollen and bloodshot, he takes a breath and kneels in front of me. "She was on the way to school when a driver ran the light and hit her." She didn't even make it to school? "The impact pushed her onto another cars windshield. Her body crushed it."

My hand flies straight to my mouth to hide the scream I want to yell out. "Caleb, she's not, right?" I couldn't say it. He looks down and sighs. They haven't told him anything. "Where's Catherine?" I lift his head up. "Where's your mom?!"

"I'm here! Where is my child?!" She yells at the nurse.

"Dr. Sims, we're sorry. She's still in surgery at the ICU. We haven't gotten a report yet." The nurse says.

"Well why the fuck am I getting called by my daughters friend instead of you guys?! I'm in the same fucking building! I need a report in 5 minutes! Something damn it!" She yells and I've never seen or heard her this pissed or maybe she's just scared. She turns to Caleb and I and her face softens. "Oh my goodness. Come here babies." She says softly and we get up to hug her on both sides as she wraps her arms around us. She kisses our cheeks as we hug. "Lord it's going to be ok. Stop that crying, she's fine. She strong." We both sob uncontrollably in her shoulders and I feel her start to shake.

I guide us to the chairs and we sit down. Caleb and I still leaning on Catherine as we wait. "She didn't even make it to the school." I mumble to myself.

"Dr. Sims?" Catherine gets up and goes to the nurse at the desk. Caleb's leg is shaking. I've never seen him this messed up. I grab his hand that's scratching at his face telling me he's having a panic attack. I give him a small smile and he returns it.

Catherine comes back. "She just got done with surgery." She takes a breath of relief. "They say she'll be fine. But she's in a medically induced coma." Caleb stands up.

"What the hell does that mean? I thought you said she'll be fine mom. A coma?" She hugs him and then sits him back down.

"It's medically induced baby, it's just precautionary so that way they could treat her. She got a concussion and had coming and going seizures on the way here. She's just on a lot of drugs basically that's keeping her asleep and the pain away." She says and we nod in understanding.

"W-when can we see her?" I ask hesitantly.

"Since she isn't awake yet they said a couple of hours. But they'll tell us when she does and we can go." She says and Caleb and I finally take a breath that felt like we've been holding for years. "God! She's going to be ok." Catherine starts crying and now it's our turn to hug her.

She's ok.

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