The Talk

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Cameron's POV

I'm frozen. "I'm Sierra, it's nice to meet you Ms. Sims." Sierra introduces herself.

My mom frowns at me but then smiles at Sierra. "I'm sorry for her being rude. But call me Catherine." Sierra nods with a smile. "Cameron." My mom calls me and Athena is smirking at me.

I feel a tug on my hand and look down at Sierra who is looking at me concerned. "Oh I'm sorry. I just got nervous introducing her to you guys. Sierra my mother, Catherine. My brother Caleb and his bestfriend Athena." I say not looking at Athena and just keeping my eyes in Sierra.

"It's nice to meet you all." Sierra says shyly.

"We're going to go to my room. So, excuse us." I say and then pull Sierra away and upstairs. I close the door and she's looking around.

"You have a cozy room. I love vinyl records. You play?" She says pointing to the guitar in the corner. I smile and nod. She looks at me and then walks to me. "Why are you so stressed out right now?"

"It's nothing. I was just nervous." I lie.

"Mhmm." She says with a raised brow. She slides her hands under my shirt and scratch my abs and I hiss. "Are you a masochist, Cameron?" She asks with a smirk.

I swallow. "I don't mind a little pain now and then." I say honestly but nervous.

"Hmm." Her hands slide to my back and she digs her nails down the small of my back and i take her mouth to hide my moan and she smiles against my lips. "Mm." I put my hand around her throat. I push her to the bed and lay her down with me on top. I break our kiss to go to her neck and she releases a moan that satisfies my ears. "Fuck, Cameron."

I lift her shirt and she helps pull it off and my mouth immediately attaches to her left nipple and her hand goes to my hair. "Mm does every inch of you taste this good?" I hum in content and she smiles. My hands caress her body and fall to her the top of her pants. "Can I?" She nods and I trail kisses down her body as I take off her pants and she lifts her hips. The heat from her arousal send me to a frenzy and I tease her through he laced underwear with my finger.

"Mm don't tease." She whines. I smirk and take off her panties slowly kissing down her leg and then back up and take her core into my mouth. "Oh shit!" One hand goes to my hair and grips it tight and the other grips the pillow behind her head.

"You gotta be a little quieter baby. My mom is downstairs." She nods fast and pushes my fast back into her and grinds her hips to the pace. She taste so sweet and she's dripping all down my face and I love it and gonna love having her clean it up.

"Oh f-fuck Cameron." Her legs shake and I bring my face to hers and she immediately licks her juices off my chin and I smile and hiss at her nails digging into my back as my fingers curl inside her. "You're fucking me so good baby. Fuck, fuck!"

I position myself so that my thigh is in between her legs hers is in between mine and I grind our bodies together as I continue to stroke inside her. "Oh fuck you're deep baby. I'm gonna cum." I put my hand over her mouth as her moans start to echo and her eyes roll in the back of her head. I start moaning from building up my own orgasm from her thigh and her hand goes to my mouth. Our eyes meet and our bodies shake the bed and then the vibration from our moans muffle through our hands. I don't let go until I see her chest completely fall and my face goes to her neck after I calm down. "Shit." She breathes out looking up at the ceiling and tracing her nail down the middle of my back.

We lay there until I hear a vibration that sounds like a phone. I lift up and she groans. "It's probably my dad." I nod and look for her pants and then hand her, her phone. "Hello?" She sits up with the blanket covering her body. I kiss her neck as her dad talks on the phone. I can hear his voice through it. She massage my scalp as I kiss on her neck and suck on it. "Mm, yeah dad I'll be there. We just had dinner with her family." She says and I smile at her lying. "Ok I love you too. See you in a minute." She hangs up and puts down her phone and lays back down and I continue to kiss on her neck and collar bone. "You're going to leave marks, Cameron." She moans.

"Sorry. But I'm pretty sure you've marked me much worse." I say with a smirk.

"Yeah but those aren't visible unless you take off your shirt." I nod. She kisses me. "Ok I have to get ready." She says and gets up from the bed but stumbles when her legs give out. "Shit!"

I laugh. "Are you ok?" She flicks me off. "Gladly." I tease.

She rolls her eyes. "I need to walk this off before my dad gets here." She says getting dress and I get dressed too. We head downstairs hand in hand as her dad gets here. "Thank you for tonight. I had a really good time." I smile.

"Thank you. It was your idea." She nods and then we kiss and then she heads to the car and I wave her off. I head back inside and immediately faced with my moms eyes. "Hey, mom." I say nervously.

She raises her brows. "She seems sweet." I nod and then walk to the kitchen to get water. "Hydrating?" She asks and I nearly spit out my water.

"Mom, please don't." I beg giving her an eye.

She shrugs. "What? I haven't had that talk with you yet."

"Lalalalala mom I don't need that talk!" I cover my ears. She laughs.

"Oh stop being dramatic I'm talking about the talk about what happens after you decide to do what you guys just probably did."

"What do you mean?"

"She means, talking about what that means for you guy's relationship." Caleb says coming in and standing by me wrapping his arm around me. Him being here just reminded that Athena is here too. I mentally slap myself when she walks in and stands beside my mom. "So?"

I look at Caleb. "So, what?"

"Do you like her?" I nod. "Then you have to go out with her." He says plainly and i frown at that.

"She doesn't HAVE to do anything. But she does need to talk to the girl and not just assume she doesn't want more." Mom says and I nod in understanding and agreement.

He sucks his teeth. "What do you think Athena? You think she should just ask the girl out or just talk about it?" He asks her .

Her eyes go wide like she was lost in thought. "Oh um it depends. Who asked who on the date?"

"She asked me." She nods.

"Well, then it's clear she likes you. Who initiated 'that'?" She gestures to upstairs.

I shake my head at the fact we're talking about this. "I-I did." Caleb exclaims and high fives me.

Athena and my mom give him the eye and he shuts up. She looks back at me. "Then you should talk to her. Don't assume all she wants is sex from you."

"Why do you guys assume we had sex?" You can't hear from down here." I say. They all stare at each other awkwardly and I narrow my eyes at them. "What?"

"We might have, sent Caleb to check on you guys to eat dinner and he came down looking terrible yet proud at the same time." Athena says and I hit his chest.

"You guys are terrible." I scoff and groan and leave the kitchen hearing them laugh. I get upstairs to my room and see a text from Sierra saying she made it home.

Sierra❤️: made it home rather be there
Sierra❤️: we also need to talk tomorrow if possible

My heart sinks reading that. Shit! I don't necessarily want to be with Sierra yet. I feel like we need to get to know each other better first. Shit! "Shit!"

"Everything alright?" Athena ask leaning in the door frame. I shake my head and hand her my phone. "Ooph looks like she beat you to the punch." She says and then hands me back my phone.

I sit on my bed and she stands in front of me. I look at the message and just turn off the phone and throw it on the bed and put my hands on my face. "Athena?"

"Hm?" I look at her and she's looking at the bed. I follow her eyes and see Sierras bra. I quickly grab it and throw it in my laundry hamper and then stand awkwardly as she blinks away from the bed and looks at me. Hurt.

"Athena," she holds her hand up to stop me.

She gives scoffs. "It's none of my business, Cameron. Just," she sighs. "Just don't break her heart." She says and then walks out closing the door behind her. Well there goes my chances.

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