Waking Up

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Cameron's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bro turn that shit off! Beep. Beep. Beep. I go to lift my arm but it feels heavy. Everything is dark although I feel like I'm opening my eyes. "I think she's trying to wake up!" Caleb?

"Get the doctor." Mom? Doctor? Beep! Beep! Beep! "Baby calm down. You're ok. I know it's scary but you have to be calm." My moms voice soothes me but I know I'm still panicking.

I take a breath atleast I think I did and gradually open my eyes. The brightness around the room forces me to shut them. "Baby open your eyes for me please." Athena? I open my eyes faster still squinting so they can adjust and my eyes meet my favorite grey colored ones. She looks like she's been crying. "Hey baby."

I go to say hi back but my voice feels hoarsed. My mom hands me a cup of water. "Don't stress baby. You're ok." I look at her asking what happened. "You're in the hospital baby. A driver hit you on the way to school and you landed on an incomings car windshield." I don't remember any of that but the pain in my back surely does and I groan. "It's ok. You broke 3 ribs in your back and got a concussion."

I nod and then Caleb comes in with a red head woman with green eyes,who I guess is the doctor in charge. She looks like Merida. Why couldn't they just give me my mom? She smiles at me. "Hi Cameron, I'm Dr. Shaw but you can call me Zena." I nod and smile back. "Do you remember the events that took place that got you here?" I shake my head. "Do you know everyone in this room?"

I look around and see Caleb, my mom, Athena and Karlie. Karlie! I point to my bestfriend and wave her to me. Her eyes bloodshot red. "Hey." She gives a sad smile and tears start to fall. "I-I heard the crash when I was walking in the school. You hadn't showed up yet I immediately knew. I ran and saw you the moment you hit the windshield. I-I thought you were dead Cameron!" I hug her and groan at my pain. "Y-you can't leave me too!" Tears start to fall out of my eyes and my hold on her tightens letting her know I wasn't going anywhere.

We pull back and wipe her tears. I mouthe ' love you.' "Your friend here is the one who called it in. She was very brave. But it looks like all your vitals are good. It must've just been the initial panic of feeling paralyzed. The pain will last so long as your ribs are healing. So limit excessive moving. We will have to keep you gear for atleast a week to see how you're healing." I sigh and nod. She smiles and then leaves.

"You suck you know that!" Caleb says and I chuckle. "You made me cry."

"You had us all crying." My mom says and I grab her hand. I look at my beautiful girlfriend and she's looking me over. I must look god awful. Her eyes meet mine and I smile. She smiles and walks back to me.

"I hate this. The moment we finally had each other you almost left me. I-I didn't know what I was going to do Cam." I grab her face and bring her to me. My lips meet her salty one from her tears and I kiss her passionately not carrying about the excruciating headache I have. We pull apart and I look into her eyes telling her I'm here. "I love you."

"I love you." It comes out raspy but I had to say it. I waited years to tell her I'm going to tell her every day and every chance I get.

2 Months Later

"Mom I can shower myself please stop!" I say playfully getting up from the hospital bed. Yep I'm still fucking here. I missed prom but I didn't care, saved money and I didn't have to be with Sierra. That would've been awkward. She did visit me though but Athena was there so it was weird. I had a lot of apologizing to do again unfortunately not being able to just fuck the attitude out of her though. But I leave today because a week turned into two months of physical therapy and hospital food. I'm finally able to shower without assistance but my mom is scared it'll be the one time I will fall. Athena has been the one cleaning me every time but she's finishing finals today and I told her she can't miss it since she missed it the day I got in the accident.

"I know, but it's just precaution baby." She says and I laugh.

"I got it." I close the door and take a breath. I take the shower and I've never felt better. My ribs are fully healed and the pain in my head is gone. They said I was lucky I didn't suffer amnesia like most people do. Me not remembering the accident is normal since it happened so fast.

I get out the shower and put on the clothes, Karlie brought me before she went to school. I graduate in a week so lucky me. I haven't been able to write the essay and quite honestly I don't want to. I put on my clothes and head out to the room. "Hey mom," she looks up at me finally seeing me in normal clothes and not a cloth. "I don't want to go to college." I spit out.

She smiles. "I know baby."

My eyes widen in shock. "What, how?"

She chuckles. "I know you only were only doing it to follow in Caleb's footsteps. Like you did everything, basketball, track, you even took culinary just because he had it as a mandatory class."

I shrug. "I thought it would make you proud to see your kids successful in things."

She hugs me. "Baby, I'm proud of you no matter what you do. I would love for you to go to college to further your education not because your brother did it. It's up to you baby." She says genuinely and I hug her back.

"Thanks mom." She nods and kisses my forehead. "Can we go now? I'm tired of being in here." I joke and she laughs and nods. We get our stuff and then we head out. Mom said it's required for me to leave in a wheelchair although I'm fine but atleast I don't have to walk this huge ass hospital. "I could get used to that." I say as we reach outside.

"Let's not." The nurse says playfully who was pushing me. I laugh and nod. We get in the car and head home.

"We're home!" Mom yells and Caleb, Karlie, and Athena walk out from the living room to greet us.

"It's nice to finally seeing you standing." Caleb says hugging me.

"So you can come back to work right? Charlie hired this new chick and she's annoyingly too good at her job." I laugh at Karlie and nod.

I look to see Athena smiling at me, patiently waiting her turn. "Come here." I say and she engulfs me in the biggest hug. "I've missed being able to hold you baby." I hear her sniffle. "Don't cry baby. I'm ok."

She nods and pulls back to kiss me. "I'm just so happy baby. God I've missed you."

"How'd you do?"

She smiles. "Great! I passed all my classes! I'm officially a junior in college now." I hug her again in congratulations.

"I'm proud of you." I kiss her again. My stomach growls and everyone laughs. "My body is ready for real food. Someone please feed me." I groan.

"We ordered pizza when your mom told us you were on the way." Karlie says and we head to the dining room table to eat the pizza. It was nice being able to sit at a table and eat with my family. What caught my eye was Karlie and Caleb sitting next to each other, closer then normal.

"It happened while you were in the coma. Karlie was consoling Caleb the whole time." Athena whispers in my ear noticing me staring.

"Finally." I say and she laughs. "I'm happy for them." I look at her.

"I'm happy for us too." I nod and I kiss her. She looks at my lips and then back at my eyes after we pull away and then goes to have conversation with my mom but I watch her the entire time. It's been a long two months. I put my hand discreetly under the table and on her thigh. I feel her jump at the sudden touch. I smirk at her having conversation while my hand rises on her exposed thigh due to her wearing a skirt.

My hand goes in between her legs and she catches it right when I touch her covered core. "Baby, did you need something?" She asks playing it off as like I tapped her. I smirk and nod and her eyes darken. "I'm going to take her upstairs to rest." She says and grabs me by the hand and takes me upstairs. I'm a little scared.

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