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My head is throbbing. My body feels like it has been thrown under a train. A very fast moving train...

What the fuck happened?!

I open my eyes and find myself lying on a large bed. As I scan the room, I don't recognize anything. It's quite a big room, the interior looks expensive and neat. Thick, red curtains frame the three large windows on my right, there's a closet on the opposite side of the bed with a door right next to it and a table with two soft chairs standing by the wall on the left.

Where am I? And how did I get here?!

I check my body for any wounds or other injuries but can't detect anything but that annoying headache.
A pain inflicted groan escapes my dry lips and I hold my head with both my hands, as if I'm trying to avoid an inner explosion.

In the distance, I suddenly hear voices outside the room, coming directly from behind the door in front of me.
Two male voices, if I don't miss something.
Unfortunately, I can only hear a few pieces of what they say.

»...mad. We can't do this!«

»Stop...coward...bend the rules...«

»...others...his rules...«

Trying to understand the meaning of what those voices are talking about worsens my headaches even more, so I stop listening.
But my curiosity wins and I stand up as silent as possible to approach the door on tip toes.
As soon as I'm right in front of the door, I can hear a third voice, deep and...dangerously calm.

»What in hell are you two doing here? I'm certain my orders have been unmistakably clear...«

»Uh...Yes...Boss. Sorry, Luke thought we should-«

»Do you really think I care, Kieran?«

»N-no...Probably not...«

»Good. Now go and prepare everything for our precious guest. Both of you. Immediately...«

»Yes, Boss!«, I hear the two voices I heard first simultaneously.
It sounds like they almost run away.
And then I hear heavy, slow footsteps coming even closer towards the door.
My door!

I step back from the wood I was pressing my ear against just a moment ago, right before the door opens.
My heart stumbles and I stop breathing...

Holy shit!

A man enters the room. His presence hits me like a train.

Maybe the same train that is responsible for that throbbing pain in my body...

He's tall, at least one and a half heads taller than me, his wide stature looks like he spends several hours a day steeling his body, his hair is white, some strands are hanging over his right eye.
His red eye!

I've never seen someone with red eyes...

He's gorgeous. Probably the most handsome guy I've ever seen...
His hands are hidden in the pockets of his suit trousers as he eyes me calmly from head to toe and back.
A slight smirk appears on his face as he finally stops at my eyes.

»What do we have here? Who would have thought that you would wake up that early?«

Gosh...His voice is deep and smooth, yet slightly raspy. It definitely suits his appearance...
I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts and get a grip on my common senses.

»Who are you? Where are we? And why am I here?«

The man chuckles and his smirk grows maliciously wider.

»So many questions...Don't you think you should eat and drink something before we get to the fun part, Sweetie?«


»First of all, I'm not sweet. Second, I want to know who you are before I eat or drink anything you offer...«

He comes closer, just two slow steps. But I stand my ground, not willing to back off like a frightened mouse.
I cross my arms before my chest and wait for his reply.

He's standing so close now that I can smell his alluring scent...
His tongue licks his lower lip and he glances at my mouth for just a moment, before his eyes meet mine again.

»You must be starving by now. You've been unconscious for...quite a while. Let me take care of that situation first. Then I will answer all your questions. As long as I consider it to be necessary.«

I stare into those beautiful, red eyes and feel my stomach screaming for something to devour.

I guess I can make an exception this once...


He smirks wide again before he steps back and turns to leave the room.

»Follow me.«

I take a deep breath and follow him. Before he steps outside the room, he halfway turns to me again.

»And, by the way. It is not on you to decide if you're...sweet or not, Sweetie...«

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