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I've been asked question after question regarding my family, especially my birth father. It's always the same answer: "I don't know". Do they listen? Nope. I've never met my dad, my mom was abandoned by him after he found out she was pregnant. To me, he was only ever a sperm donor. Nothing more. I don't even care to know him. Why would I want to meet a man that ran away the minute he found out his girlfriend's pregnant with his baby? Mom told me that he had some mental health problems which made it difficult to maintain a stable relationship, but that she still loved him and always would. I don't even know if he's still alive, nor do I care. The only thing I cared about was my mom.

After sitting in a dimly lit police station for hours, the female officer - who I found out goes by the name of Holly - took me to the care home I would be staying at. Apparently it's the most popular care home in Dallas, with over thirty children staying there under the care of a woman called Ms Hilary. I really hope the place is alright, but I don't want to go. Honestly, I'd rather stay in the police station with Holly, but she said she can't allow that. She has to follow procedures.

Approaching the care home, we're greeted by a huge sign that reads 'Rainbow Care Centre, where all children are loved'. Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly make my way out of the car and collect my black bag with my mother's belongings inside. Holly ushers me towards the front door which she then knocks, waiting for someone to answer. I can hear ruckus behind the door but it's short lived as a short, stumpy woman smiles at us.

"Hi there, I'm Ms Hilary. You must be the little girl staying with us?" she asks me, but all I can focus on is how posh she looks. Her hair is pulled back into some fancy looking bun, and her clothes are all crease free.

"Y-yes" I stutter, all of a sudden completely nervous and out of my depth. I have a bad feeling about this woman, I can feel it in my gut.

A few kids walk by the entrance, giving me a chance to examine them. They're all wearing clean clothes and their hair is slicked back from their faces. Why is everyone so posh here?

"Come in, come in. I'll show you around" Ms Hilary says, stepping to one side so we can pass by her.

Holly rests one hand on my back while Ms Hilary gives us a tour of the care home. The kitchen is huge, with tiles that gleam and white worktops that look cleaner than anything I've ever seen. Then again, the apartment mom and I stayed in was never exactly clean so anything else is a step up. Next, we're shown where the bathrooms are and then the bedrooms. Boys stay on the first floor and girls stay on the second floor. Ms Hilary's bedroom is on the ground floor, along with her daughter's room.

Studying the corridors, I couldn't help but notice a room at the very end of the ground floor. The door wasn't painted white like the rest of them. It looked creepy and uncared for.

"What's that room there?" I ask, curiosity taking over me.

Ms Hilary shoots me a look that I can only describe as terrifying before quickly changing it to a smile.

"Oh that room? It's just a supply cupboard honey" she says, her voice overly nice. "Now come on, lets go to the living room and discuss things shall we?"

Following Ms Hilary into the gigantic living room, we all take a seat and the adults start discussing what's going to happen to me. My focus switches in and out of their conversation, my mind too fascinated by the grand scale of the house. I've never been in a place like this. Hell, I don't even think I should be breathing in a place like this. It looks so expensive and proper, and I'm just an orphan. I don't belong here.

"Okay, well we will be in touch with you over the first month or so of Demi's stay just to make sure things are running smoothly" Holly announces, standing up from her chair which causes me to do the same.

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