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The bright light of the sun streaming through my hotel room window stirs me awake from the first peaceful sleep I've had in months. I actually dreamt about my mom. It wasn't so much a dream, more like a memory. We were at our apartment and I was dancing around the living room while singing at the top of my lungs. We didn't own a radio or tv, so we made our own entertainment. My mom could play the guitar, she still kept her childhood guitar which she would use to occasionally teach me a few chords. She pulled me into her lap and I sat cross legged in front of her. I was only around seven years old and because of my small frame, I fit against her just nicely. Bringing the guitar in front of me, my mom showed me how to play some basic chords like G, D and C, and then would get me to strum along. After a while of strumming, I started to sing along to the melody while my mom took more control over the strings.

"You have a beautiful voice baby girl, never let anyone make you go silent" she whispered in my ear before giving me a kiss on the cheek, causing me to giggle.

"I won't mommy, I promise" I replied before turning to face her, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"That's my girl"

But the truth is, I did let them silence me. I let the officers silence me, Ms Hilary and John, they all forced me into silence and since then, I've never really found my voice again. I'm not sure I ever will.

Remembering what the guy from the truck told me last night, I quickly got up and changed before grabbing my things and heading down to the reception to hand in my room key. Mumbling a thank you to the receptionist, I exited the hotel and looked around for the girl he told me about. I think he said his name was Amber, from what I remember, so I slowly walked over to the corner and waited.

Looking around, the streets look so empty in daylight hours. There's no booming music escaping the walls of the bars, no girls walking around in clothes that are too small for them, nothing. It's as if the world is sleeping during the day and alive at night. I don't blame them, the night is more fun. It's funny really, I used to be afraid of the dark, but now I'm more afraid of seeing myself in the light than the dark. I can hide in the dark, but in the light; that's when I'm truly exposed.

The sound of heels clicking along the sidewalk tears my attention away from my thoughts and to the source of noise. I turn around to be met with a girl around five foot seven. Her hair is long and blonde, just passing her boobs which are thankfully hidden by an off the shoulder sweater. She's also wearing long skinny jeans and what I can only guess are stilettos.

"You D?" she asks, eyeing me up and down. I can't help but feel self-conscious.

"Yeah, you Amber?" I respond, avoiding eye contact since I'm too nervous.

"The one and only. My boss told me you're in need of some money?"

I finally meet her gaze, confused by who her boss is. "Your boss?" I ask, trying to backtrack in my mind if I've met him.

"Yeah, he's the guy who brought you here. He said I could help you out. So what d'ya say?"

I'm not dumb. I know fine well what's gonna be asked of me if I accept their offer, but I do need the money. I may as well continue to do what I've been doing for all the hitchhikers and get paid for it.

"Sure, thanks" I reply with a smile, shaking her hand.

"Great, welcome to the family!" she squeals, pulling me in for a hug instead.

Family. I miss that. I've never really had a family. Yeah I had my mom, but a family is usually a mom, dad and siblings, or extended relatives. All I've ever known is me and my mom, and now it's just me.

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