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Pulling up to the De La Garza's house, I'm speechless. A fountain sits in the centre of the driveway out front, and the front door has two gigantic pillars on either side, used to help support the balcony on the second floor that overlooks the outside of their house. From what I can see, its a three story house, with what I assume is one room on the top floor thanks to the huge stained glass window. I can't see how far back the house goes from where Wilmer's car is parked, but I can only assume it's a lot, given what just the front shows me.

I take a deep breath, jumping a little when I feel Wilmer place his hand on my thigh for comfort, and also to bring my attention back to the present. I think he can tell that I'm panicking about being anywhere near such an expensive place. My old house was basically the size of their garage where they keep their cars, if that. I don't feel worthy enough to even set foot inside, but I have to. I want answers, and it's the only way I'll get them.

"It's gonna be okay Dem, I'm right here with you" Wilmer says encouragingly, lifting my hand up with his, placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

"And me too!" Nova says excitedly from the backseat, causing us to laugh. For such a quiet child, she's really opened up to Wilmer, and seems to like the De La Garza's too. While we drove over here, all Nova would talk about is how awesome Madison is and that Dallas was teaching her a little on the piano at Church. She now wants lessons. It makes my heart ache a little that I know I can't provide Nova with things as small as a piano lesson here and there, but maybe one day that'll change.

"Lets get this over with then" I exhale before opening the door and stepping out onto the highly expensive driveway. I can feel my kneecaps shaking slightly as Dianna, Eddie, Madison and Dallas watch us approach their house. I feel like some sort of rare species with the way they watch me so tentatively. They're probably thinking that I'm crazy and are ready for when I snap.

I quickly adjust my clothes, making them sit a little better before linking my arm with Wilmer's and grabbing Nova's hand as we follow them inside.

The inside of their house is even more extravagant than the outside. Dark wooden floorboards line the hallways, and a spiral staircase sits to the right hand side of the entrance while on the left, there's an archway that leads into what I assume is the kitchen. From there, we're met by an open lounge with lots of couches, not forgetting the plasma TV that's balanced on the wall. Damn, I do not feel comfortable here at all.

"I have some cooked chicken, salads and bread prepped already, so Eddie will show you guys to the dining table and I'll be right out" Dianna announces before disappearing off into the kitchen.

As I'm about to follow Eddie, Wilmer gently grabs my arm and I turn to face him. "You should go and help Dianna, maybe offer to carry a salad bowl. Think of it as a little ice breaker" he says quietly, following with a little smile that makes my knees weak.

"Uh, okay. I guess I could do that" I say in a short breath before wiping my hands on my jeans in an attempt to get rid of the clamminess.

"You can do it baby, I'll meet you at the table" he says before disappearing behind Eddie.

Baby. If I wasn't feeling so nervous right now, I'd probably squeal with happiness about Wilmer calling me baby, but I guess that'll have to wait.

Walking into the kitchen, I observe Dianna as she removes cling film from the salad bowls and grabs serving spoons. I allow myself to picture for a second what life would have been like had I never been taken from her. I picture her setting up my school lunches, kissing me on my forehead and wishing me a good day as I head out with my sister. Sister. I always wanted to know what it would be like to have siblings. I'm secretly hoping that if all goes well, Dallas and I could become pretty close. Maybe make up for all the lost time I guess.

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