Summer break plans

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Hades and Maleficent shortly caught up with the rest of their friends who were practically drooling over Kronks spinach puffs and raisin bread. Well, Morgi was drooling, Uli and Hook were holding him back from taking everything cause, like previously stated, the poor guy was broke😅.

"Come on! Let me go!" He whined.

"Once H and M are here I will. Till then imma keep you restrained so you don't take everything on the stand." Hook told him.

"Looks like he won't be waiting any longer." Uliana said pointing at Merlin Academy's most intimidating couple.

"Took y'all long enough! I'm hungry 😋." Morgi shouted.

"Than get food dummy." Hades teased

"I would, but these two are holding me hostage!"

"Why?" Maleficent asked.

"Cause he's broke and we didn't want him to steal everything from Kronk." Hook explained.

"Uli did I not just give you 50$?" Hades asked.

".....👀" Uli looked away like she knew nothing.

Hades rolled his eyes at her. "You're impossible."

"Can I be let go now!?" Morgi asked.

"Fine." Hook and Uliana released the poor guy and as expected he ran up to the stand trying to take everything.

"Sorry Kronk, looks like Morgis gonna take all your profit." Maleficent teased.

"It's fine. At least I know someone will eat them." He responded.

"You say that like you haven't had many customers."

"That's cause I haven't." Kronk told the VKs

"How!? Your food is awesome!" Morgi complemented him.

"Thanks, but the goodies don't seem to think so. And Yzma told everyone that my spinach puffs are terrible." Kronk explained.

"That's awful." Hook said sadly.

"Yeah.." Kronk frowned.

"Okay know what," Hades handed Kronk 100$, "Morgi go nuts."

"Yay!!!" Morgi grabbed 6 boxes of the spinach puff (probably more if he could carry it) and tried to grab like 5 or 6 loafs of raisin bread before Hook stopped him. "Let me help before you drop it."

Kronk put 5 loafs in a bag for them so it would be easier to carry. "Thanks!" Morgi thanked him before running off to eat

"Here we go again." Hook groaned running after him.

"How many spinach puffs are in each box?" Maleficent asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"12." Kronk answered.

"...that morons gonna try and eat 72 spinach puff." Hades stated

"Fuck he could eat 100 if we let him." Uli pointed out.

"Probably." Hades agreed.

"I just realized something." Maleficent said "you both are out."

"Huh?" Uli asked.

"You both said f...that word. You're out."

"Damn it!" Uli snapped.

"Fuck!" Hades yelled.

"Now you're double out." Maleficent laughed.

"Actually," Maleficent snapped and Hades normal blue hair had turned bright pink. "there we go."

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