The tour

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The connection with the Underworld was a lot stronger than Maleficent thought it would be. Almost immediately after eating the pomegranate, she felt strong, better, more powerful than she ever felt before. Her injuries were gone in a matter of minutes and she could breathe fully for the first time in weeks. She felt her magic returning and coursing through her body; and it felt amazing! Not only did she feel better, she looked better too. Hades was very happy to see the color coming back to Maleficents skin, and the burn marks completely disappeared.

"There's my girl." He smirked. Maleficent smiled at him, "feels good to be back!" She says happily getting off Hades lap.

"Glad you're feeling better lotus flower." Hades stood up and hugged her from behind.

"You and me both." She said relaxing in his arms.

"If you're feeling up to it, I'd like to show you my kingdom."

Maleficents eyes lit up when he said that "Really?" She asked excitedly.


"What are we standing around here for!? Let's go!"

Hades laughed, he loved seeing her excited and happy. "Okay okay, follow me." Hades took her hand and led her to the stables, where his chariot was waiting. Maleficent was stunned to see the 4 magnificent black horses tied up to a black chariot with gold detailing on it. "Wow"

"You like it?" Hades asked.

"It's beautiful."

He smiled before climbing up on it and holding his hand out for her. "Hop on." She took his hand and climbed on the chariot beside. Hades took hold of the reins and held on arm around Maleficents waist. "Hold on tight, Lotus flower. These beasts like to go fast. Ya!!" Hades wiped the reins and the horses took off. Maleficent held on tight to Hades while he kept a strong hold on her to keep her from falling off. Maleficent was surprised when the horses didn't just run, but took off into the "skies". "Holy shit!" She yelled, grinning from ear to ear. Hades loved seeing her smile, and made the horses go faster.

"WoooHoooo!!!" Maleficent cheered.

"Having fun?"

"Hell yes!!!"

Hades laughed at her excitement, he loved it. He slowed the chariot a bit and brought them over Elysium. "Take a look over the edge." Hades told her. She did and was amazed at the realm she was seeing. It looked like a calmer version of the Moors; soft grass, flowers everywhere, trees every inch of the place. The souls in it looked very relaxed, all just walking around or resting under a tree. "Wow.."

"Thats Elysium." Hades told her.

"It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled. He continued flying over it till they reached Asphodel. "This is Asphodel, the kinda neutral realm if you recall."

Maleficent looked at the realm below her, and was a bit shocked to say the least. (I don't want to hear a word about how Asphodel is about to be described. I've heard two versions but imma use the one I like more only because my parents are there and I don't wanna think of them being in a shit hole.) For a realm of the Dead, the place was very much alive. Asphodel resembled the mortal world, with streets, homes and businesses everywhere. No cars were around, no surprise there, and all the soul while they were clearly dead, were walking around like nothing was happening. Some didn't even seem like they realized they were dead. "It's...not what I expected." Maleficent said, a bit confused by the realm below them.

"Yeah, that's what everyone says." Hades smiled. "I wanted this place to feel more familiar to the souls, so they wouldn't have too much of an adjustment from life to death."

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