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Maleficent POV.

"Must I go here, Mother? This place reeks of sunshine and rainbows" I complained. Merlin's Academy was not my first choice of High School, but it's not like I had any other choice.

"Yes, you must." My mother answered. "This place needs a touch of chaos."

"I'll say." Touching one of the side walls, black thorns grew up the walls, killing all the flowers and vines in the process. "That's my evil girl." My mother praised. Looking around at all the princes's, princesses and peasants, dressed head to toe in either pink or blue, my gods I wanted to be sick. And I didn't miss all the stares I got from the others. Being the only girl here with Horns was bound to draw attention.

"Go mingle." My mother ordered. "Find others like you to help spread chaos."

"Yes mother." I obeyed.

"I'll see you at parents day." And with that, she left. Wish I could go with her, this place already sucked. Walking around, everyone was running up to other students; hugging, laughing, and taking pictures with each other. Hell, people who have never met acted like they were best friends. Older students and teachers were showing new kids around the school, while others ran to find their dorm rooms that they would be spending the next 4 years in; gods I wanted to die right there. Had it not been for a certain blue haired teen, I probably would have tried to run away. Well, it was less him, and more his 6ft tall, 3 headed Rottweiler that caught my attention. Though, seeing a teenage boy with flaming blue hair was definitely something that was hard to miss.

Saying fuck it, I walked up to the boy to see if he would let me pet his dog. "I wanna pet your dog." Correction, I didn't ask.

"Your not allow for pet my dog." He snapped

"I wanna pet your dog."

"Cerbies gonna try to eat you."

"I don't care."

"You should."

"Danger floof!"

"He's called that for a reason."

"I'll be fine."

The boy looked back and forth between me and his dog, Cerbie, I guess what his name is, and sighed. "Fine," he said. "but don't come crying if he bites you."

"I don't cry." Stepping up to the dog, I put my hand out for him to smell. The middle head sniffed my hand, while the others looked at me curiously. It caught me off guard when the dog dropped onto his back, wagging his tail, begging for belly rubs. I might be evil, but I'm a sucker for dogs, especially unusual dogs. I sat by the dogs heads and (tried to) give them all head scratches, which they greatly enjoyed.

"Well I'll be damned." The boy stated, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing. It's just not often that Cerberus lets people, especially strangers, pet him. Colored me impressed." He answered.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the name. "Cerberus? Isn't that Greek for spotted?"


"So you named your 3 headed dog 'Spot'?"

"I guess I did."

"You are an enormous dork."

The boy laughed. "Yeah, but I'm a dork with a hellhound and the powers of the dead. What you got going for you?"

"I'm a dark fae." I answered


"A fairy."

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Lotus flower, the last time I checked, fairy's have wings, and you are sorely lacking."

"First off, don't call me that. Second of, not all fae have wings. And like I said, I'm a dark fae." I argued with him.

"So what? You make flowers grow or something? Sing songs with birds?" He taunted me.

With a snap of my fingers, the boy was instantly wrapped and hung upside down in thorns. I lit a green ball of fire in my hand, and threw it past his head, hitting one of the torches that hung on the wall; it definitely freak out anyone who stood near it. I turned back to the blue haired teen, "any smart remarks now?"

He smirked, "I knew there was a reason Cerberus liked you."

That was not the reaction I was expecting.

"Now, if you would kindly put me down, I can properly introduce myself, and we can start over."

I wanted to leave his smartass up there, but I reluctantly put him back on the ground. Not sure why, it would have been more fun to leave him there like a piñata. Once down, the boy brushed the thorns off his jacket and managed to stand up straight. "Thank you." He said. "Now, let's start over, I'm Hades. And you are?" He asked.

"Maleficent." I answered.

"It's lovely to meet you." Hades took my hand and kissed it, not something I expected from a boy like him.

"Please tell me you're not some prince."

That got a laugh out of him. "No," he laughed. "I'm not a prince. I'm a god."

I raised an eyebrow at that; frankly I didn't believe him. "A god?"

"Yep. God of the Underworld."

"....your serious?" I asked


"Than what the hell are you doing in a place like this?!"

"Honestly, my brother sent me here."

"Your brother?"

"Zeus, king of the gods. He thought it would be good for me to "socialize" with other people and not just the dead. So he took my godlyhood and sent me here."

"That sounds like hell."

"It is." Hades took a seat back under a tree by Cerberus. "So what about you? What's a fae doing here?" He asked.

"My mother sent me to cause chaos. And to find other VK's to help spread said chaos."

"Well, you found one. And I got a feeling you and I are going to cause some serious chaos together."

Ya know, maybe this high school thing won't be so bad

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