Chapter 10: Discovering the Truth (SS CH13)

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Christmas break was over, and classes were to resume on Monday. 

I found Rian talking to that Fletcher guy and walked up to her. "Thanks for the Chocolate Frog, Ri."

"I didn't give you a Chocolate Frog. I didn't give you your present, yet. I wanted to do it in person. Here you go." She dug in her bag and pulled out a red box. Inside was my very own Golden Snitch. "Got it when you were still the Seeker. Now it seems kinda cruel, but I figured you'd still want it."

"Thanks. How was your break?"

"Good. My youngest brother got a bike and wanted to ride it immediately.

"Toni." I turned around. It was my sister.

"Hi, Spence, how was your Christmas?"

"It was fine." She held a book out for me to take. "Here, this is for you. Don't send a note home, Mum doesn't know." She walked away.

"Have a good term." 

"You, too. See you around."

I looked down at the book. It was about chess. I opened it and the inside cover said, 'For when you return.' Like that would ever happen.

I noticed Oliver looking around for someone, so I waved excitedly at him. He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me in the air.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too."

"Did you have fun here with the Weasleys?"

"Yes." I wanted to tell him about the Mirror of Erised- our children, but then I remembered that Dumbledore said the mirror wasn't truthful. I feared I would sound crazy, so I didn't share much.

That Monday morning, at 9 AM, I went to the class I was most excited for: History of Magic. I was normally the only one who paid attention in there anyway, but the combination of the first class of the term, it being 9 AM, and Binn's droning voice, I was the only one really awake.

It was a shame for the other students, too, because we were talking about ways wizards have defied death in the past- most notably when Nicolas Flamel made the Elixir of Life. 

My eyes shot up from the notes I was writing at once. Had he really just said Nicolas Flamel? 

I raised my hand, even though I didn't really have to. 

Professor Binns pointed at me. "Yes, Miss Marston?"

I tried my best not to sound like I was prying for information and was just a curious thirteen-year-old when I asked this question. "So, what does the elixir of life do for you anyway?"

"It makes you immortal if you drink it."

"How rare is it?"

"Only those with pure intentions can conjure it. Say, for example you and your friend are both in grave peril. You want relief, but not for you- for your friend. You would get it if, and only if, you want to save only your friend and were willing to die to save the,."

So, that must be what the three-headed-dog is guarding. 

"Well, that's the end of class." I was the only one who started putting my books away, so Binns said, "Antonia, cover your ears," then made a horrible screech to wake all the students up.

I was scouring the library, looking for anything that mentioned Alchemists or death magic, but they were all in the Restricted Section, and only fifth years and above were allowed to look in there, so it was useless.

Oliver walked up and stood next to me. "Hey Toni, excited for practise tonight?"

"That's tonight?!" He stared at me in bewilderment. I suddenly made my voice more sniffly. "I can't go, I haven't been feeling well today."

He took a big step away from me. "Well don't get me sick! Skip tonight, it's fine. Just get some rest. I'll tell you our strategy later." He touched my arm before walking away.

I grabbed books that I thought might work, and headed back to my dorm. 

I scanned the pages until I found the words Elixir of Life and read the paragraph

The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. There have been many reports of the Philosopher's Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist and opera lover. Mr. Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixy-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life in Devon with his wife, Pernelle (six hundred and fifty-eight)

So the stone is what's hidden.

I didn't care about the next Quidditch match, or that Snape was refereeing. All I wanted to do was stop him from getting the stone. Imagine what would happen if that miserable grease ball of a human became immortal.

"Don't want to pressure you, Potter, but if we ever need an early capture of the Snitch it's now. Finish the game before Snape can favour Hufflepuff too much.

Fred and George peered out the door. "The whole school's out there!" Fred said. 

"Blimey, even Dumbledore's come to watch."

"Dumbledore?!" I shoved them both to the side to have a look, and sure enough there he was. He smiled at me when he noticed me and I darted my head back in the tent.

"Hey, Tone, maybe he'll remember your name if Jordan says it enough," Fred teased.

"You said it didn't bother you." 

"I say lots of things, Harry."

I didn't pay too much attention to what was going on in the game even though I was one of the players involved in it. I felt weird knowing that Dumbledore was there watching me. All I remember about the game is that we won.

Back in the Gryffindor Tower, I wanted to continue to read my book about Flamel, but when I got to my dorm it was gone. 

I went down to find it, and overheard Harry talking. 

"So we were right, it is the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape's trying to force Quirrell to help him get it. He asked if he knew how to get past Fluffy- and he said something about Quirrell's 'hocus-pocus'- I reckon there are other things guarding the stone apart from Fluffy, loads of enchantments, probably, and Quirrell would have done some anti-Dark Arts spell that Snape needs to break through-"

"So you mean the Stone's only safe as long as Quirrell stands up to Snape?" Hermione asked in alarm.

"It'll be gone by next Tuesday," Ron said. Not if I had anything to do with it.

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