Chapter 45: Professor Lupin (PA CH7)

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Professor Lupin was all the rage by Thursday morning, with people saying only positive things.

I watched him intently at breakfast that morning, ready for his class at the end of the day. I desperately just wanted him to tell me I'm his daughter.

"He looks like you," George said, following my eye line.

"You think so?" They both nodded. "I have to show you something."

We walked back up to Gryffindor Tower and I took them up to my dorm- I was allowed to do that as a Prefect.

We sat down on the couch by the window and I gave them each a photo album and told them to look through it.

"Recognise that man that keeps popping up?"

George, knowing what I was trying to insinuate, said, "You know your dad, though." I just shrugged.

"Did Amara ever talk about a brother or cousin?" Fred tried.

"She never told me anything, and Lupin's my father."

They both looked at each other.

"What?" I asked hotly.


"You think I'm insane, don't you?" Neither of them said anything. "Then explain why Amara and Liam aren't in there." More silence.

Fred had picked up Age 3 and was now flipping through the pages until he stopped on one he found interesting. "Hey, this is us!"

"Oh, yeah. I guess we knew each other when we were little. Dumbledore did mention that Molly and Amara used to be friends.

"I wonder what happened."

"The only way she'd ever tell is if she was Veritaserumed. Come on, let's go to Divination and see which one of us she thinks will die this year."

To my surprise, Trelawney said none of us will be lost this year, but she did tell me I go through a massive depressive spell. I smiled at her efforts.

The day dragged on with the anticipation of seeing Lupin again. I had his class at 3, which would be my last class of the day.

I stepped into his classroom with my best friends at my side and saw that despite being early, we were a few of the last ones in there.

"Hello, welcome fifth years. My name is Remus Lupin and I will be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher this year. We're going to start off with a practical lesson, so books won't be required. You will need only your wands. So if you'd all follow me, please."

He took us to the staffroom on the second floor and ushered us all inside. He beckoned us to the end of the room where only a wardrobe stood. It gave a sudden wobble and banged off the wall. A few people jumped back.

"Nothing to worry about, it's just a boggart." Several people gasped before Lupin continued. "Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces. Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks- I even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock. This one moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the headmaster if the staff would leave it to give my students some practice.

"So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a boggart?"

"It's a shapeshifter," someone said.

"Correct you are, Mr. Francis. They take the shape of whatever the person fears the most. The only way to get rid of it is laughter, although the incantation Riddikulus can help. So, I want you all to form a line.

What did I fear the most? I wasn't really afraid of much back then. I searched my mind for what my boggart would turn into until I landed on my mother.

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