Chapter 34: In the Chamber of Secrets (CS CH 17)

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I woke up with a gasp. The older boy was leaning over me.

"Who are you? Where am I? You have to help me."

"Dumbledore girl," he hissed.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm Albus's great niece. So what's that got to do with anything?"

"You're the one from the prophecy." 

"What prophecy?" I spat.

"The one that details my fate. I have to kill you to return to power. Prepare to die, Dumbledore."

I was frozen for hours, but could tell everything that was going on around me. Harry coming down to rescue Ginny and I, the guy revealing that he was Voldemort, Harry running from the Basilisk.

He needed help. That's when I saw a red and gold bird fly down and drop a roll of brown fabric on top of me. The bird then blinded the snake and Harry pulled out a sword and stabbed the Basilisk.

Albus had sent me a note saying that if I died, it'd stop Voldemort from returning to power.

This put me at ease as my entire body started to go numb. But the phoenix was trying to help me.

I watched as Ginny woke up and Harry told her to leave. The Basilisk's fang had pierced his arm and he was dying. He needed the bird. 

The phoenix landed on his knees and started dripping tears onto his wound, which healed instantly.

"Harry," I whispered with all my strength.

He rushed over to me on his knees. "Spencer." He tried to get me up.

"Don't. It's no use. Take the bird and save yourselves."

"But Toni-"

"She'll understand. Just go."

He listened to me, grabbing Ginny and running out of the circular room.

If this is what dying feels like, it's not so bad. 

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