Chapter 33: Fearing for our Lives (CS CH16)

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Spencer's POV

Growing up with Amara as a mother was like walking on eggshells. Make the wrong move, the consequences are endless and if she finally does let up, that doesn't mean they won't be talked about.

This was that all over again- step foot and the wrong corridor and your life could be in danger. No one was safe at the school anymore. Especially me. 

The only time I left Toni's side was for classes. We were okay in big groups. When I got to Transfiguration one day, there was a note on my desk. 

Dumbledore would like to see you in his office after class. I'll take you.

But Dumbledore wasn't at the school, he had been suspended.

McGonagall took me into Dumbledore's office instead of to my next lesson. "Miss Marston, have you abandoned Ravenclaw?" his voice came from a broken piece of a mirror sitting upon his desk.

"Just temporarily. McGonagall said it was fine." 

"Are you scared?" 

"Of course I'm scared!" 

"Can I share a secret with you?" 

"I guess." 

"You aren't a muggle-born, you are a half-blood. Your mother comes from a long line of wizards- my family." 

"We're related?" I asked in delight.

"Yes, I'm Amara's uncle." 

"Wait 'til I tell Toni." 

"No, no. It's very crucial that you don't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret."


He didn't answer my question and instead said, "There is a legend in our family that a phoenix will appear to a Dumbledore in need." I looked to his pet bird. 

"Toni's middle name is Phoenix." 

"It is?" 

"Well, yeah."

"We can't talk anymore right now. Minerva, take her back upstairs."

I went back to the Gryffindor Common Room and silently did my homework. I knew if I tried to talk to Toni, I'd just end up blabbing our secret. She just assumed I was too terrified to speak. 

I must've fallen asleep, because I awoke to the sound of the portrait hole creaking open and I saw a girl with long, red hair exit- Ginny.

I got up and silently and sneakily followed her all the way to the bathroom where the ghost lived. Ginny said something in Parseltounge and one of the sinks sank into the floor. Ginny jumped down. I did, too. She walked along the stone pillared room until she finally came face to face with a sixteen-year-old boy.

"Good, you got her." 

Ginny turned around to face me and took out her wand. 

"Ginny, what're you doing?"

But it was too late, by the time I said the last word, I was on the floor, frozen. 

Harry's POV

Ginny Weasley walked into the Great Hall and sat next to Ron, looking tense and nervous- twisting her hands.

"What's up?" Ron asked while scooping more porridge onto his plate.

Ginny didn't say anything, but glanced up and down the Gryffindor table as if she was looking for someone. 

"Spit it out," Ron said, watching his sister.

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