Chapter 21: September 1 (CS CH5)

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I was up and ready to go back to Hogwarts at 7, so I fell back asleep on the couch while waiting for everyone else. I was shaken awake by Molly telling me it was time to leave.

"Ready to go home?" I asked Harry excitedly as I clamboured into the car and sat down next to him. 

"Yes! I'll miss it here, though."

"You'll visit again," Ron assured.

About 20 minutes into the drive I fell asleep on Fred's shoulder, but woke up for a second and curled up against Harry before drifting off again.

I woke up when the car came to a stop and everyone got out. "The train leaves in 10 minutes! Everyone get your stuff! Here, An." Arthur handed me my trunk.

Nine of us were now sprinting through the train station, us kids having carts. Needless to say, we had quite a few eyes on us.

Percy ran through the barrier first, terrified his Prefect status would be given to someone else if he missed the train. 

I went next, because there was no way in hell I'd miss the train and have to go back to live with the Marstons.

I found Ginny and took her to go sit in an empty compartment when Hermione found us and pulled us into her own compartment with Rian.

We went around and shared what we did over the break and overall had a good time enjoying each other's company... then George walked in.

"Have you seen Harry or Ron?" he asked.


"Are they not on the train?" I asked, now worried.

"But they were right behind us."

"I'm sure they'll show up once we get to Hogwarts. I'll leave you girls alone."

Harry and Ron never showed up at the Hogsmeade platform. I didn't pay attention to the start-of-term announcements or the Sorting Ceremony apart from Ginny. I didn't eat anything, either.

There were rumours that they stole Arthur's car and flew it to Hogwarts. I believed this wasn't far off.

I walked up to the tower with the other Gryffindors, my stomach grumbling loudly with hunger. 

"There's no point starving yourself just because you're worried about those two. They'll be fine."

I didn't believe Fred, but when we showed up in Gryffindor Tower, there they were, and Hermione was lecturing them about stealing the enchanted car.

"What else were they supposed to do, Hermione? I think what you guys did was brilliant."

I went up to my dorm and on the trunk at the end of my bed was all my favorite food from the feast. I rushed over, still very hungry, and scarfed it down quickly then went to bed happy.

I was home.

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