Chapter 31: Hagrid? (CS CH14)

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"Are you sure it's Hagrid? He wouldn't do something like that."

"Well he was expelled... What was his Hogwarts house?"

"Hufflepuff, I think," I shrugged.

"Well, there you go," Ron said as he and Spencer joined us in the corridor. "They like crazy monsters and stuff."

"Just Newt Scamander- that we know of- but still."

"I've known him for four years."

"And last year he had a three-headed dog and a dragon." Ron raised his eyebrows at me.

"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be," Hermione spoke, shocked.

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle," Spencer reasoned.

"He sounds like a dirty rotten snitch to me." 

"The monster had killed somebody, Ron. What would any of us have done?" Harry asked.

"Look, Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go and ask him about it?"

"That's a good idea, Tone. That'll be a cheerful visit. 'Hello, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?'" Ron said snarkily to me.

"Mad and hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me, now, would ya?"

"No," we all said at once.

There was an awkward pause as Hagrid looked each of us separately in the eyes.

"What's that you've got there, Hagrid?" Harry asked to distract him.

"Oh, it's Flesh Eatin' Slug Repellent. For the Mandrakes, ya know? According to Professor Sprout, they've still got a bit o' growin' up ter do. But once their acne's cleared up, we'll be able ter chop 'em up and stew 'em and then we'll get those people down at the hospital un-petrified." We nodded. "In the meantime, though, you five had best be lookin' after yerselves. Especially you girls."

"Because we're muggle-born?" Spencer asked. 

"Yes," Hagrid said grimly. He walked away.

Neville Longbottom ran up to us, panting. "Harry, I don't know whose done it, but you better come take a look." 

We rushed to his dorm to see all Harry's belongings scattered, some of them destroyed. He was looking for something specific. "It had to be a Gryffindor. Who else knows our password?"

"Spencer and Rian. Neither of them would do this."

"Unless it wasn't a student."

"Whoever it was, they must've been looking for something."

"And they found it. Riddle's diary is gone."

Our next Quidditch match was in two days and I contemplated not even going this time, and having Angelina Johnson play for me instead.

After the last game when I tried to save Harry, my role in the team was now sitting back and watching the game I'm in from my broom.

Katie told me she'd pass me the Quaffle as much as she could. "What's Wood gonna do, get mad at you for playing?"


"Well, if he kicks you off, I'm quitting."

"Thanks, but that's not necessary."

Spencer asked to borrow my Gryffindor scarf and said she was going to stand with Ron and the other Gryffindors to show support. 

The two of us walked into the Great Hall, arms linked and found our boys. "Where's Hermione? I have to ask her something," Spencer said in a hurry.

"She just ran off to the library, so we'll be lucky to see her before the match."

"Alright, listen up. We play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker, and smarter."

"And not to mention, they're dead scared that Harry will petrify them if they fly anywhere near him."

"Well, that too."

Harry rolled his eyes and sighed. "They're just joking."

"I know." He smiled sweetly at me.

McGonagall was standing at the entrance of our tent. "This match has been cancelled."

"They can't cancel Quidditch."

"Silence, Wood. You and your teammates will go to Gryffindor tower. Now. Potter, find Weasley. Marston, find your sister. There's something all of you need to see."

We found the others and McGonagall took us to the Hospital Wing. "I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock."

 "Hermione!" Spencer gasped and clutched onto Ron.

Hermione was laying motionless in a bed. She looked as though she was made of stone. Her right hand was positioned in the air like she had been holding something. 

McGonagall walked over to her bedside table and picked up a hand mirror. "She was found near the library, with this. Does it mean anything to any of you?" We all shook our heads no.

"Alright, well... I have to get you back to the Common Room."

"What about me?" Spencer asked in a shaky voice.

"Would you like to leave your friends, Miss Marston?" McGonagall asked nicely.

"No, thank you."

"Then you'll go with us. Come on, I have an announcement to make."

The four of us stood on the bottom two steps as McGonagall talked. All the students were muttering in their own groups about what was going on- mostly the Heir of Slytherin and the Chamber of Secrets.

"Could I have your attention, please?" The chatter died down. "Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately." She unrolled a scroll and started reading off it. "All students will return to their house common rooms by 6 o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions." She rolled it back up and began talking in her own voice. She looked at the four of us as she said, "I should tell you this- Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed." She made her way toward the exit. 

"I don't go back to living with Mara," Spencer blurted, her breathing heavy. I rubbed her back.

"We've got to talk to Hagrid. I can't believe it's him, but if he did set that monster loose last time, he'll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets, and that's a start."

 "But you heard McGonagall. We're not allowed to leave the tower except for classes."

"I think it's time to get my dad's old cloak out again."

"Good idea. Let's wait until sundown. I'll make up some excuse to go to your dorm. I'll say I have a headache and my dormmates are being too loud."

"Okay," Harry agreed. "Then we'll sneak out from there. Spencer can stay down here and make sure we're good to go."

"No, I want to go with you guys. I'm a muggle-born. If I'm alone, I could be attacked."

"You won't be alone, you'll be safe here," I argued.

"I don't want you to leave me, Toni," Spencer pleaded, her eyes filling with tears.

I sighed, caving in. "Okay, you can go with us."

"Uh, An, I don't think we'll all fit," Ron pointed out.

"You guys come back and tell me everything, then. Spencer and I'll stay down here."

That night, they left the castle without the safety of me being able to protect them. I just hoped I was right about Hagrid not being the heir, because what if the boys confronted him, and he turned on them? There was no way to tell unless they couldn't be found the next morning.

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