Chapter 5: Surprise! (SS CH9&10)

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The door at the front of the classroom opened and Professor McGonagall stuck her head in, the creaking of the door turning the students' heads.

"Excuse me, Professor Binns, may I borrow Antonia Marston for a moment, please?" her voice rang out and echoed off the walls. Me? Why did McGonagall need me?

"Oh, but of course. Do bring her back rather quickly, though. Mind you she's the only one who pays attention." That made me blush with embarrassment.

I got up and quickly walked out to the hall where I joined Oliver and Harry.

"Oh, hey guys."

"What did you need us for, professor?" questioned the voice of the Scottish boy I fell for every time he talked.

"Wood, Marston, I expect you know Harry Potter."

"Yeah?" We both said slowly, wondering where she was going with this.

"Well... I think he should be the new Seeker for Gryffindor," she stated.

"Are you serious, Professor?" I asked, slightly annoyed as I was still technically the Seeker and have been healing fast, so I could play this year. Oliver's delighted face turned to puzzlement. 

"Absolutely," said McGonagall crisply. 

"He's a first year," I argued.

"The boy's a natural. I've never seen anything like it. Was that your first time on a broomstick, Potter?"

He nodded silently as I stood there next to Oliver, dumbfounded. How could they just up and replace me with this new kid, even if he was the boy who didn't die or whatever they called him.

Oliver apparently noticed my discomfort with this situation as he put his hand on my shoulder so I'd look him in the eyes. "Everything will be alright, Antonia. We'll think about it, Professor. Sorry, Harry, but the position of Seeker isn't open right now. We do need a Chaser, though, Professor."

"Well consider it at least. I'm sick of Marston getting hurt all the time," she smiled at me and I reluctantly returned it. "Now get back to class, the three of you," she said before turning and walking away.

"Well my class is right there, so..." I trailed off, pointing my wand to the door to the right of us.

"I don't know how to get back to Madam Hooch's," Harry said at once as I was about to open the door and re-enter my class.

I tilted my head at Oliver, knowing he'd make me walk him so we could talk. "Ugh, fine." If he wasn't so damn cute.

"Walk me back to class? Flitwick's. It's on the way to the field," he said.

"Why not, Wood?"

"Perfect, Marston."

We walked slowly down the hall, Harry beside us. Finally he spoke, "So if you guys don't need a Seeker, then why would McGonagall try to get me on the team?"

"Toni here plays rough, gets herself injured a lot. She had a really bad beat in with a Bludger to the shoulder last year, now she's in recovery," he explained.

"But I don't want to be a Chaser," I added quickly.

"We're thinking about what to do."

"Well then I can be a Chaser! Whatever that is," he said, eager to be a part of the team.

"We'll talk about it and get back to you," he answered. "My class is here. Toni, we'll meet after class to discuss."

"Okay." Oliver smiled to the both of us and went inside the room. I awkwardly waved at him as he disappeared.

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