Chapter 30: Will You Be My...? (CS CH 13)

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The halls were buzzing in the second week of February- so many young witches and wizards feeling the romantic aura in the air. 

My sister was one of them. She had already given Ron more sweets than he knew what to do with. 

As she was writing another note to go along with a box of chocolate, I stopped her. "I think he gets it, Spen."

"I just want him to know how I feel, that's all. Is that so bad?"

"Well, babes, you might come off a bit clingy. I don't think Ron would like that."

"Oh. Shh, here he comes." Ron was walking up to the Ravenclaw table and sat down on my sister's other side. "Hey, Spencer, what ya got there?" 

"Oh, they're..."

"Mine," I said, snatching the box before Ron could read the card. "Thanks, Spencer."

"You're welcome."

"Anyway, I was gonna ask you something..." He peered around Spencer to look at me. I motioned for him to go ahead. "Spencer, do you want to be my Valentine?"

"I'd love to!"

"Great. We'll do something that night. And tonight, too, if you'd like. I'll find you at lunch."

"Okay, sounds good."

Ron got up and walked back over to our house table. I followed him and sat next to him. 

"Well you just made her week."

He laughed in delight then pointed at the box of chocolate that was sat in my lap. "I thought those were gonna be for me. You can never have enough sweets!"

I handed it to him. "Go on, take it. They were for you anyway, just didn't want you to think Spencer was obsessed with you."

"I don't think that. We've been spending a lot more time together, she's really opened up."


"I think on Valentine's Day I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend. Don't tell her."

"I won't."

The morning of February 14, I woke up and put on a cute outfit, because I fancied someone as well, and wanted to look cute for him.

The Great Hall burned my eyes with the colour pink as soon as I stepped off the staircase. I don't even mind pink, I think it's lovely, but when everything is pink it's a bit much. Pink flowers on the walls, pink heart shaped confetti falling from the ceiling, and Gilderoy Lockhart wearing pink robes.

I looked around for Harry, but didn't see him next to Ron or Hermione yet, but sat with them anyway. Hermione was ogling at Lockhart but stopped at once when she noticed me.

"Are you gonna ask Harry out today?" she asked me.

"I don't think so," I said timidly.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, sitting down and wiping confetti off his bacon. He yawned heartily. Wood had us in practise until late last night, so he probably didn't get a whole lot of sleep.

Ron nodded to the Head Table as Lockhart stood up. "Happy Valentine's Day!" he shouted. "And may I thank the 46 people who have already sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all- and it doesn't end here."

Lockhart clapped his hands and a bunch of  dwarfs dressed like cupids appeared through the double doors. "My friendly card carrying cupids!" beamed Lockhart. "They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines!" The rest of what he said isn't relevant, and I could listen to that man talk for about 2 minutes at a time, so forgive me.

Anyway, I thought Harry would find it hilarious if one of those things came up to him and started singing; and in my defense he and Ron were laughing at the dwarfs, but looking back I think it was because they were pathetic looking.

After Potions, one of the dwarfs handed me a note. I recognised the handwriting as what I thought was Harry's.

I wish I could freeze time whenever you're around. Your hugs make me melt. My heart aches when we're apart. You're the one for me. Can't wait to make my dream a reality, Marston. Will you be my girlfriend?

I had to think of something funny yet sweet to say back to Harry. There were so many things I liked about him, where would I start? I came up with something funny and light-hearted and handed it to one of the dwarfs. It read: 

His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, his hair is as dark as a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he's really divine; the hero who conquered the Dark Lord. Will you be my...?

At lunch I sat next to Harry and Ron as they were talking.

"I mean, why would she send you one of those? She barely talks to you."

"Who else could it be?" 


"She wouldn't do that."

He had the poem on the table. I glanced over at it.

"Yeah, it was me who wrote that. I'm sorry, I thought it'd be funny, I never meant to embarrass you." I started rubbing his shoulders. "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, that's funny."

"That's okay, I'll get you back somehow."

"I just thought if you wrote me one, I should return the favour."

"Return the favour? Sorry, but I would never write a love note."

"Well, then, who gave me this?!" I exclaimed, taking the paper out of my bag and showing Harry. 

Ron snatched it away at once after scanning it quickly. "Bloody idiot got the wrong Marston. Sorry, that was for Spence. I'll be back." He got up and started making his way to the Ravenclaw table.

I was kinda sad that Harry didn't think to give me anything for Valentine's Day. He could tell, so he grabbed my hand. "Hey, were you looking forward to getting one of them?"

"It's fine, we're not together like that. I shouldn't have expected anything after I told you I don't want to date right now."

"Well next Valentine's Day, I'll get you two presents to make up for this one."

"I won't complain about that."

"The last line of the note was, 'Will you be my...?'"

"Valentine. Will you be my Valentine?"

He smiled. "I'd love to. Be mine?"

"Yes." This day and every day after. I wanted to be much more than Harry Potter's valentine.

The feast didn't have a lot of attendees that night. About half of the students, particularly the older ones, were on dates. 

I felt bad for them, because they really missed out on all the amazing puddings. There was so much strawberry flavoured everything, that I ended up taking 10 mini cakes up to my dorm just to have for the next week. Hogwarts didn't serve many strawberry sweets, so I had to take this opportunity.

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