1| Single Parent

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We have been on the road for quite a while. Turns out Evelyn is not a big crier. Which was amazing. Chris and JJ decided to stay with us because they didn't want to be alone anymore. That and I think JJ might have a thing for Maggie.

"Rick can you help me" I asked as Rick walked by. This was my first baby ever and I didn't really know anything, but Rick had two now.

"Of course" Rick said with a smile as he took a seat next to me. Chris would usually help me but I have no idea where he is, Glenn was talking to dog knows who and JJ was probably kissing Maggie's ass right now.

"This is very hard" I mumbled as I passed Evelyn to Rick, he laughed at my comment. I rested my head in his shoulder.

"Now, you always want to support their head okay? And she will tell you when she's done" Rick said with a smile as he sat Evelyn up so she could eat out of her bottle.

"Thank you" I mumbled as I watched her. She was so cute and she was very small. Chris, said it was because she was early.

"You're welcome" Rick said, Rick was very good with babies. Just like he was with his own daughter. I grabbed Evelyn back and let Rick get up so he could do whatever he had to do.

"How is my two favorite girls doing?" Michonne asked as she took a seat next to me. I groaned, I was so tired and Evelyn was a lot of work.

"Evie is living life. Not sure about me" I joked as I took the bottle out of her mouth when she was done.

"Where's Glenn?" Michonne asked me as she took Evie out of my hands.

"Good question I don't know. Glenn!" I called and I didn't hear anything. "He is probably dead" I said as I laid down on my ground on my stomach.

"What's up with you?" Rosita asked as she stood beside me. Rosita, was actually really cool and I got way closer with her over the days.

"I think I'm a single mom" I joked as I lifted my head up. I felt a little bit of weight on my butt. I turned around as much as my head would let me and I sat Rosita sitting on me.

"Oh look there he comes" Rosita said, I heard footstep coming our way. I kept my head down.

"What are you doing to Y/n?" I heard Glenn ask as he was probably talking about Rosita.

"Comforting her because she Is a single parent" Rosita said as she got off. I rolled over still laying down.

"What?" Glenn asked as he looked over at me. I shook my head and got up and brushed myself off.

"You haven't seen your daughter in like 6 years" I joked as I leaned into and closed my eyes. I heard him laugh and out his arms around me.

"Not true" He mumbled as he kissed the top of my head. I smiled and leaned into him more.


We were out walking again, my arms were getting tired and so was Glenn's, Carol offered to hold her and I was much more grateful.

We were walking with the woods holding weapons. It felt nice to hold a gun again. Not that holding Evie wasn't enough...you get what I'm saying. We heard a beach snap and the ones who were holding guns perked up.

"We surrender" Daryl said as he held up his hands, he must've picked up something to eat because he went out hunting.

"I wish would've shot" I said as I laughed as Daryl glared at me. We continued to walk along. It was boring and I was getting very bored.

"I spy something that's green" I said as I looked over at JJ. We were incredibly bored and we were trying to pass the time.

"The trees?" JJ asked as he looked around.

"Wrong!" I said a little too loudly.

"Then what?" JJ asked as he looked around trying to find anything else that is green.

"The leaves" I said with a smile on my face

"What?" He asked a little shocked at the fact he didn't get it right.

"What? You said the trees and it was leaves so you got it wrong" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You're actually annoying" JJ said as he groaned and pushed me.

"Okay you're fat" I said as I pushed him back.

"Are you two done?" Maggie asked with a smile on her face and she turned back around.

"Yeah" JJ said as he blushed and walked farther ahead to go and talk to her. I rolled my eyes as I looked around.

"Y/n, she is a very sweet baby" Carol said as she stood next to me. She was smiling as she was holding Evie in her arms.

"I know" I said with a smile as I looked over at her. "I had her by myself. I can't believe I did something like that" I said as I let the a small sigh.

"You know, when I had Sophia, Ed was out drinking and I had her by myself." Carol said as she looked over at my daughter then her.

"Ed was a dick" I mumbled, I didn't really think about Ed unless someone brought him up and that was like never.

"Tell me about it" Carol said as she let out a small laugh. "But you, you have a good husband. You can tell by the way he looks at you, he is looking at you right now" Carol said with a smile, I turned around and I saw Glenn looking at me as Tara was talking to him. I smiled and looked away.

"He is a good one" I mumbled as I ran my fingers through my hair.

Iris (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now