7| Try and Stop me

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"Bob!" I heard Sasha scream as she ran out of the church. I followed behind her. When we made it outside Bob was laying on the ground. It looked like his whole leg had been taken off.

"His leg" Maggie said as Sasha leaned down in front of him sobbing.

"Get Bob inside. We'll take care of them." Glenn said as he was talking about the walkers.

"Can you help me, please?" Sasha asked as she looked up at me. I nodded my head and I leaned down with her, as Tara came beside me to help.

We lifted Bobs body up. It seemed to be he was still alive. I have no idea how he got himself into this. And I could tell Sasha was freaking out and assuming the worst. I heard gunshots and Rick yelling.

"I was in the graveyard. Somebody knocked me out. I woke up outside this place. It looked like a school. It was that guy, Gareth. And five other ones. They were eating my leg right in front of me. Like it was nothing. All proud like they had it all figured out." Bob sobbed. He was sweating and Sasha was holding on to his hand.

I knew those people were weird and I assumed they were cannibals but now that they confirmed it, it brought a whole nothing feel to the situation.

"Did they have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asked, I felt my body tense up. I really hoped that they didn't because I couldn't loose my brother.

"Gareth said they drove off." Bob said, I looked a little confused. There was no way he would just dip and not tell me. I heard Bob groan and Sasha held on to him

"He's in pain. Do we have anything?" Sasha asked as she looked around at us.

"I think there are pill packets in the first aid kit." Rosita said as she sat up in a bench.

"Yeah" Sasha said as Rosita was about to get up and get them before Bob started to protest.

"Save em." Bob said with his eyes shut.

"No" Sasha said quickly as she looked at him.

"Really." Bob sobbed. He struggled to sit up but when he did he looked at Sasha. He moved his shirt down on his shoulder and it showed a bit mark. Sasha stopped and stared at it. "It happened at the food bank. " Bob said as he looked into her eyes.

"It's okay" Sasha said quietly as she did her best to hide her tears. I stopped and felt Glenn put his hand on my back. I liked Bob and I felt so bad for Sasha. I didn't want to cry because it wasn't about me.

"Bob?" Sasha asked, when he fell back, I leaned forward and held him lay steady in the ground.

"There's a sofa in my office. I know it's not much, but..." Gabriel trialed off as he watched the scene unfold.

"Thank you" Sasha said and nodded her head.

"I got him" Tyreece said as we all moved out of the way so Tyreec could pick him up.

I looked over at Glenn and he kissed my forehead. I leaned into Glenn more. I couldn't imagine loosing Glenn and I my heart hurt for the both of them. I was still worried about Daryl and Carol but if they were in a car I knew they were safe.

"Does he have a fever?" Rick asked Glenn and I as he walked over to us.

"Just warm" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Jim lasted almost two days before we left him." Glenn said, Rick nodded his head at the memory.

"Time for a reality check. We all need to leave for DC right now" Abraham said, I rolled my eyes at how incredibly annoying he was being.

"Daryl and Carol are gonna be back" Rick said as he looked at Abraham. "We're not going anywhere without them."

"I respect that, but there's a clear threat here to Eugene. I need to extract his ass before things get any uglier. So if yall won't come, good luck to you. We'll go our separate ways." Abraham said as he started to walk out of the church.

"You leaving on foot?" Rick asked as Rosita and Abraham both stopped and turned around.

"We fixed that damn bus ourselves." Abraham told Rick, they were both getting annoyed by eachother.

"There are a lot more of us. " Rick said as he walked towards Abraham.

"You want to keep to that way? You should come." Abraham said.

"Y/n and JJ saved your life. We saved your life" Rick said as he spat it out at Abraham

"Well, I'm trying to save yours" Abraham practically yelled at Rick. "Save everyone's!"

"We're not going anywhere without our people." Rick said calmly trying to diffuse the situation.

"Your people took off" Abraham said, he didn't get the fact that Daryl and Carol were going to come back.

"They're coming back." Rick said through gritted teeth.

"To what, picked over bones?!" Abraham screamed, Rick out his head up, and tried to speak before Abraham pushed his hands away. "Do not lay hands!"

"Abraham!" Rosita yelled at him for causing such a scene.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop!" Glenn said as he got between them.

"Abraham!" Rosita yelled again.

"Hey, hey, stop! Now!" Glenn said as he yelled at both of them and pushed them back. "Do you really think that you're gonna be any safer leaving right now in the middle of the night?" Glenn asked as he looked at Abraham.

"Yeah" Abraham said before he looked at Glenn. "Yeah " Abraham confirmed.

"What about tomorrow? We need eachother for this. We need to eachother to get to DC. We can get through all of it together." Glenn said as he spoke to Abraham.

"I have an idea" Tara said as she stepped closer to them . "If you stay just one more day and help, I'll go with you to DC no matter what. Okay?" Tara said as she looked behind us.

"Glenn and Y/n too" Abraham said as he looked at Glenn. I felt Rick tense up.

"No" Rick said quickly.

"Good luck, then. Im not interested in breaking up what you have here. Rosita grab your gear." Abraham said as he looked back at her.

"Abrham-" Rosita tried to protest.

"Now" Abraham said sternly. I'd beat a bitch if a man tried to talk to me like that. "Eugene, let's go. Eugene. Move it."

"I don't want to" Eugene said as he pouted like a kid.

"Now" Abraham said.

"Okay" Eugene said as he walked up.

"You're not taking the bus" Rick said as he stood there and watched.

"Try and stop me" Abraham said, I did my best to try and not smile.

Iris (Glenn Rhee x reader) Where stories live. Discover now