Chapter 8.

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Paris, 1832

Enjolras and Christine walked home to Christine's together. They pushed the door open and entered to the smell of her father's cooking.

He stuck his head out from the kitchen to greet them, "Ah, come in, come in. Welcome back my son." He hugged Enjolras, "Hello my dear." He kissed his daughter on the cheek.

They greeted him back and sat down at the table which seated 3, "I'll serve the food then you can tell me about the rally today."

Christine's father and Enjolras had grown close and they got on well, much to Christine's luck. He supported their fight and was always interested to hear about it. Sometimes he would even help suggest ideas for them.

"So, did it go well?" He carried three bowls at once, causing Enjolras to stand and take the wobbling one from off his arm.

"It went great until the police arrived." Enjolras told him as he placed the plate in front of Christine.

"I went round with Gavroche for a while so I missed the start." Christine spoke up and Enjolras smiled.

"General Lamarque is ill. We have to get the rebellion on the move fast if we can." Enjolras spoke and for the rest of the evening they told her father all about the rally and their plans.

Enjolras stayed the night at their house and in the morning the wandered off down to the Musain to meet the rest of the group.

The time is near
So near it's stirring the blood in their veins
And yet beware!
Don't let the wine go to your brains

We need a sign to rally the people
To call them to arms
And to bring them in line.

Whilst Enjolras was singing, Joly, Grantaire and Christine noticed how Marius didn't look as involved as he usually is.

Marius, wake up!
What's wrong today?
You look as if you've seen a ghost

Some wine, and say what's going on

A ghost you say?
A ghost may be
She was just like a ghost to me
One minute there, then she was gone

I am agog
I am aghast
Is Marius in love at last?
I've never heard him 'ooh' and 'ahh'

You talk of battles to be one
And here he comes like Don Juan
It is better than a o-per-a

Christine takes a seat next to Marius and she begins to ask about the girl. Enjolras soon speaks up, taking a seat next to them.

It is time for us all to decide who we are
Do we fight for the night at an opera now?
Have you asked of yourself what's the price you might pay?
Is this simply a game for a rich young boy to play?
The colours of the world are changing day by day.

The blood of angry men
The dark of ages past
a world about to dawn
The night that ends at last

Having seen her today
I now know how it feels
To be struck to the bone in a moment of breathless delight

Having been there today
I might also know
How your world may be changed in just one burst of light

And what was right seems wrong
And what was wrong seems right.


I feel my soul on fire


My world if she's not there


Is the colour of desire


Is the colour of despair

Marius, you're no longer a child
I do not doubt you mean it well
But now there is a higher call

Who cares about your lonely soul?
We strive towards a larger goal
A little lives don't count at all


The blood of angry men
The dark of ages past
A world about to dawn
The night that ends at last!

Courfeyrac calls to the group, "Listen, everybody!" And everyone turns to him.

"General Lamarque is dead." Gavroche informs the revolutionaries.

Everyone looks round at each other as Christine rushes towards Gavroche where she guides him away from the stairs and talks quietly with him.

Lamarque, his death is the hour of fate
The people's man
His death is the sign we await!

On his funeral day
They shall honour his name
With the lint of rebellion ablaze in their eyes
From their candles of grief we will kindle our flame
On the tomb of Lamarque shall our barricade rise!

Our time is here
Let us welcome it gladly with courage and cheer!

Let us take to the streets with no doubt in our hearts

But a jubilant shout!

They will come one and all

They will come when we call!

Éponine stands at the stairs and looks for Marius. Upon noticing her, he whispers a question to her, looks to Enjolras and then follows Éponine out of the Musain.

Enjolras grabs Christine's hand and turns to speak with her.

"Christine, I want you to listen to me, and I want you to obey me." The girl nods, confused on what he wants, "I don't want you fighting at the barricade. You can come to the funeral but you will not follow us to the barricades."

Her heart dropped. How could he do this? Promise he something then break it the last second?

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