Chapter 7.

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Paris, June 1832

The streets of Paris were filled with the poor as they surrounded carriages, begging the rich for anything to help them.

"Come on boys!" Gravroche called to his group of friends as their races through the city, weaving their way through the crowds.

The little boy spotted Christine and ran to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her along with him, "Come on."

Christine and Gavroche had become quite close, she was like his sister. She looked after the little boy, taking him under her wing and he would often stay with Christine and her father as he no longer had a home.

Look down and see the beggars at your feet
Look down and show some mercy if you can
Look down and see the sweepings of the street
Look down, look down
Upon your fellow man!

'Ow do you do? My name's Gavroche
These are my people, here's my patch
Not much to look at, nothing posh
Nothing that you'd call up to scratch

This is my school, my high society
Here in the slums of Saint Michele
We live on crumbs of humble piety
Tough on the teeth, but when the hell!

Think you're poor?
Think you're free?
Follow me
Follow me!

The little boy jumped from the carriage and into the arms of Christine as they made their way to another, moving carriage.

Christine jumped onto the carriage and pulled Gavroche with her, allowing him to sit on her lap.

There was a time we killed the king
He tried to change the world too fast
Now we have got another king
He is no better than the last.

This is the land that fought for liberty
Now when we fight, we fight for bread
Here is the thing about equality
Everyone's equal when they're dead.

Take your place
Take your chance
Vive la France
Vive la France!

The people of France continued shouting at the rich as Christine and Gavroche ran towards the stage where Enjolras and Marius stood.

When's it gonna end?

When we gonna live?

Something's gotta happen now
Something's gotta give
It'll come, it'll come, it'll come, it'll come, it'll come

Where are the leaders of this land?
Where is the king who runs this show?

Only one man, General Lamarque
Speaks for the people here below

One of the Les Amis informs Enjolras of something and his face drops.

Lamarque is ill and fading fast
Won't last a week out, so they say

With all the anger in the land
How long until the judgment day?

Before we cut the fat ones down to size?

Before the Barricades arise?
Vive la France! Vive la France! Vive la France! Vive la France! Vive la France!

Trouble stirred. The police showed up on horses. The Les Amis and their audience split and run from the men on cavalry. Enjolras grabs Christine's arm and keeps running as the crowd shouts 'Vive la France!'

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