the pet rat

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It's been a week since doctor doom,a week since lilith has been feeling like she's being watched all the time.It was 9:03 in the morning lilith was sat at the dining table eating some toast before taking her medicine her dad had gotten out ready for her to take.The young girl would often dislike taking her pills as they tasted horrible but she knew she had to take them.Soon after taking them tommy walkden.

''ugh mum making me shopping for school''he groaned as he slumped down on his chair ''i hate shopping for school stuff''lilith looked at tommy as he ranted about how unfair it was he had to go shopping his face was covered by his hair but you could just tell his face was a mix of anger and annoyance as he already was going out that day with his dad but now it was lilith day with dad she was excited for her day with dad.However just as lilith was about to tell tommy to stop complaining her eye patched ripped quickly she covered her eye before running to her room to get a new one but tommy had already seen her eye .

''WAIT LILITH'' tommy shouted as he ran upstairs after her jump into her room just before she could close the door ''your eye it's SO COOL'' tommy smiled as lilith uncovered it showing it in its full glory.Lilith smiled a little feeling excited that her brother didn't think it was weird.

''promise me you won't tell mum or dad ok please i rufe to let them see my eye i i ..''she studdard as she got startled by their parents calling them downstairs to leave.  Tommy now promises to not tell anyone not even their parents as they both walked downstairs.They meet their parents at the front door,as their parents kissed  each other goodbye as tommy got dragged to the car by their mum lilith waved goodbye as she laughed at him before walking with there dad down the street. As they were walking into the village lilith saw a small pet shop.The pet shop was small but welcoming as she looked into the window she saw what looked like a really long hamster with a tail,it was brown with a white spot over its left eye lilith knew she had to have it she need it. 

''DAD DAD please can we go into the pet shop please''she begged even though her dad knew he would get told off by his wife miss smith he would do anything for his little girl he tuck lilith hand as they walked into the pet shop,lilith ran over to the rat she instantly feel in love with it. 

''dad please can i have him pleaseee''she gave him puppy eyes as she begged for this pet rat reluctantly her dad agreed as he walked over to the owner of the shop to ask about the rat and all the stuff he needed to buy. Lilith was full of joy as her dad paid for all the stuff they needed lilith held her new rat close to her and the rat even seemed to like her, the young girl now taking her rat and walking alongside her dad they  soon went to the waterfall in the center of town the water made the air feel cool and fresh as they both walked close sitting down at a nearby bench.

''so what you going to call him sweetie''allen smiled looking down at the rat he had just got her.

''i'll name him mr rat''she smiled up at her dad happy with this disease.Feeling it was the right fit for her new pet.Lilith hoped her and mr rat would stay best friends  forever hopefully that would stay the truth.


It's been three hours since lilith had begged her dad to get her mr rat.They had shown this poor rat all over town but the rat seemed to enjoy the girls company and would look up at her when she spoke as if he was listening to her word to word.The young girl smiled down at her new pet as they started their long journey home as lilith's dad was carry 4 large heavy bags, were as lilith was just carry mr rats box container  singing to him as she skipped home.However when they got her lilith's mother was less than happy to find out she convinced her dad to get mr rat but tommy on the other hand whispered to lilith.

''his white patch on his head matches your eye''he smiled as lilith nodded before responding back.

''that's why i got him oh and he is called mr rat''she smiled as she cuddled up to her new rat friend ''hey tommy come room''she stuttered as they schured  up upstarts laughing and giggling. After ten minutes of lilith intriguing mr rat to her teddy's and showing him around her room they had a little party.This would the day lilith would hear ghost as they had just made the song rats not that long ago and it felt fitting to play the song. 

(so i don't know what to do for the next chapter anyone got some good ideas)

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