coming out of my cage

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Lilith's pov

As i lay there,laying on the cold floor all i could hear was my brother crying and begging me to wake up begging me to breathe but i couldn't my body felt weak i was unable to move.My head was fuzzy like statike,it felt like i was seeing something like what?Ugh it hurt but as i tried to wake up i could see something people.

It was like i was standing in an office looking around their were people in black outfits kinda like jack's but they had masks  on they with tubes coming out and big eyes it made them look like bugs.But just as they saterd talking i felt my body being picked up all i could hear was.

''rain and swis''before it went black and i woke up in an ambulance my eyes fluttering open and shut good it hurt but what had happened then it hit me i had a fit but some how i don't know how i saw Swiss and Rain from ghost but how and why?i mean they were mine and Tommy favorites i though to myself but then i got disturbed from my thoughts as i got wheeled into the hospital the bright lights made my head worse , so as i close my eyes again all i could hear was voice of the nurses as they sounded panicked but then the monitor  was beeping faster and faster. Then it all went black that's all i could remember as i saw all my old meriores flash before  me ,spinning around me like a dance that never ended then i saw them again them people ,the ones who looked like the ghouls from ghost it can't be them right?But soon the spinning stoped as i heard what they were talking about.

''Do you think its true do you think copia actually has a daughter?''the tall ghoul spoke in a swispers as he messed about with his hands.

''i don't know mate but this rumor  going around is fucking about with his head you know he sent the ghoullets out to apparently look for this girl'' 

What girl,what's going on, i just want my dad hell i don't care if it's my adoptive or real dad i just want my dad i thought to myself all i wanted to do was cry but like before my body was weak but cold.

''we have her stable Mr smith but we found that her body is too weak at the moment The thesis fits she having  are taking too much of her energy.we may have to do a blood transfusion if that dose happen would you be ok getting tested to see if your a match'' i heard the nurse say talking to my father at that moment i just wanted to wake up and say am ok dad.Am here am alive dad just my body would let me.

It must have been about three hours since I was brought to the hospital. I heard the doctors and nurse saying i was doing a lot better so that was a plus i guess.But i can't lie this bed was  uncomfortable so that's the negative side i guess  but who knew how long i would be here for.Good i hope someone would come visit me soon i was getting bored talking to myself  i didn't want to be here to long i need to wake up i need to open my dam  eyes just i tired to wake up i heard my door open.

''do you think this is the girl''i heard a women voice it was soft and sweet i felt her hand hold mine who was she?

''i think so she has his eye but we need to get some hair or something to do an DNA test.. actually i don't think we will smell's like him''the other women spoke i could feel her but what were they saying who do i smell like and why were they here actually who the hell were they. 

''you think i can't get a sent of copia but we need to go soon arua before we get seen sister will kill us if she finds out we have been in public ''

they soon left leaving me alone with the sound of the monitors beeping and people walking  past talking to one another.I soon felt mysleft falling asleep hopefully i would wake up.Braking out of this cage that i was trapped in.


It must has been late as when i woke up all i could see was the dark.Great i thought to mysleft i still have woken up i having opened my eyes.But that's the thing i had i had opend my eyes it was just the lights had been turned off i looked around growing in pain.In the corner of the room was a bed with a figer sleeping in it it looked like my dad i thought to myself.

''Dad?''i whimperd as i sopke waking my half asleep dad up.I don't think i have ever seen him jump up so quickly as he ran over to me hugging me as he cried into my hand.

''oh thank goodness you awake Lilith i didn't think i would get to hear your voice again''he smiled as he played with my hair before calling for the nurse.That night i wouldn't get much sleep but i would end up spend a week in hospital .

Tommy would visit me he told me he got moved to the other school the one the next town over as he got kicked out the other one because some lad started a fight and Tommy got kicked out idk that's what tommy said but sadly i wouldn't be able to join my brother at his new school for a few more months or a year mum said. As are parents had decided  it would be best for me to be homeschooling  for a while.But my parents had promised me i would go to the same school as it would be best for me to with my brother incise something was to happen. So i was happy about that but not as happy as when i got told i could go home. 

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