home sweet home right?

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*time skip*

I have been living at the minastrey now for about a month now everything was grate i still had to do physiotherapy every week but they said i should be done with it next month.I was currently sat down in the ghouls den with Tommy the ghouls were all doing band practice and i was getting tried.Today had been a long day dad had got me to do some paper work and said for my own protection i need a ghoullet outfit am not sure why but i wen't along with it.

''hey sis wake up''i felt Tommy pull me onto his lap he still saw me as his little sis still the 6 year old he would play with and walk to and throw from school with but that little girl was stuck in a 16 year old's body. ''sis come on wake up the others are coming back and i need to introduce you to the girls since they have been away for the month''Tommy sighed as he hugged me tight as i mumbled waking up slightly.

''noo i wan't to sleep''i wined sounding childish i looked up at Tommy he giggled a little and played with my hair as i saw the ghoullets am guessing walk in.They all dropped their stuff as they smiled at  me as one of them softly takes me from Tommy's lap and carry's me about. ''n noo i i biggg girl i i''i pouted in my head i didn't understand what was going on i felt older but at the same time i wasn't older i was still a 6 year old i started to cry as i started to stress myself  out with my own thoughts i looked as everyone froze out of shock.

Tommy tuck me out the layds arms and was trying to get me to stop crying but nothing worked. ''i i want mummy and daddyyyy''i cried out into Tommy chest i just wanted are parents  but i couldn't because they though oh ye lets just die i know its not their fault but still i just wanted them.Tommy rushed out the room sighing as he sat me on his bed witch was down the coreydoor  from the ghouls living space. 

''sis please breath ok i umm ill go get copia ok''he smiled but i such my head no,no i didnn't want my new dad i wanted my old ones its to much i can't handle it. ''sis breath''he says in a soft but stern voice.I did mange to calm down and tell him what was making me cry and stress out.Tommy smiled and spoke softly. ''oh sis its ok we can go talk to sestor tomorrow to see if she had any spells that can help you feel better mmm how dose that sound''he played with my hair as i started to fall asleep.

*another time skip*

i woke up in Tommys bed my head hurt a bit i looked around to see the bed side clock saying 7:09 pm dam it i think i missed dinner i pouted as i got up from the bed and headed to the door.i walked into the ghouls living space to find rain and mountain reading, togather i walked over before asking softly if i could cuddle with rain as we had be come very close over the past month.Rain node and oped his arms for me to cuddle into him as i sat down on his lap he softy cuddled me as he read softly.

After a few minutes Swiss and sodo came running in. 'HEY NO FAIR YOU CHEATED'' Swiss shouted as he pinned Sodo to the floor. I giggled as i looked up to see Aurora dragging Swiss off Sodo.Swiss now pouting was being dragged into his room well it was actually his and aurora's room since they were mates.I looked up at rain who's chin rested on my head he had a big smiled as i hugged me tightly.

''r r ainey your my best freiend''i giggled.Rain smiled and nodded in agreement.Soon Copia and Tommy would come down saying i had my theosophist today i wasn't happy about that i was doing better i wasn't wobble on my feet no more i pouted but noded as i grabbed Tommys hand.As we walked to the medical ward Copia started to hum softly as he sang life enteral.

''right were here now me and your brother can come in or wait outside ok sweetie''Copia said a little nurvers as he patted my head. I node and walked in by myself trying to show them i can be a big brave girl and that I am not  a 6 year old girl no more but the 16 year old that woke up from that stupid coma.

''BANG''the door slammed shut i looked behind me to see a person who's not my doctor didn't look like my doctor the room started to shake my vision blurry as i started to panic as alarms started to go off as i felt someone pick me up rushing me out the room as we ran outside we were meet by a huge cloud of smoke i started to cough and wine as it stung my eyes and lungs. We got outside i looked up to see rain he was the person i saw in the room.

''its ok lilith just breath''he said out of breath himself about a second later i could hear dad screaming at Sodo. 

''WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT NO FIRE IN THE MONASTREY''he shouted as Sodo looked down at floor not saying a word. ''Sodo you could have set it up in flames your grounded till i say do i make myself clear mr''Sodo nod's has his head hung low as he walked over to us.

''you really messed up this time didn't you man''Swiss said as he hits him across the head Sodo looked sad he looked like he was gonna cry.

''i i didn't mean to any harm''he mutters out as he messed with his necklaces.         

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