just a dream

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''AAAAAAA were the WHo wait''i sat up looking around  a hospital room and loud beeping machines were was i?why was i in the hospital what was going on?I i i was just with the ghouls wasn't i?Was it juts a dream?

''OH SHIT''was the first thing I heard I saw a nurse rush out of the room and coming  back with a doctor ''she's been in a comer for 16 years''the doctor mumbled as he did some tests on me

''can you remember your name''he said as he shined a little light  in my eyes i just looked at him blankly.

''ye my names Lilith please stop shining  that light in my eyes ''i groan  as i closed my eyes i could hear the doctor walk over to the nurse as they spoke.All i could think about is how everything i saw and experienced was just a dream it wasn't real i started to cry as i got overwhelmed i didn't understand what was happening i was finely  with my real family wasn't i or was i trying to fill in the missing space that craved for my real  family was i just making it up.I had to be because ghost like the band couldn't be my family.

''hey shhh it's ok darling''the nurse said softly as she rubbed my back. ''i understand your scared we have called for your older brother ok''the nurse said but i could tell she was hiding something. Why didn't she mention  my parents maybe they were busy?

''were are parents''i whimpered i looked at the nurse her face went pail as she looked down.''whats wrong my parents''i cried as i looked at the nurse.

''i think it's best you leave that  up to your brother Lilith''she smiled chucking a bit of hair behind my ear.She would soon leave as she had papers to fill out and other people to look after.I soon turned the TV on in my room putting some cartoons on. After a few hours Tommy walked in acompainey by Jack.

''oh sis i missed you''Tommy hugged me tightly as i sat on the end  of my bed. ''i i though you would never wake up god i was scared''he cried as he shackle looked back up at me his eyes red.

I looked at him and I wasn't sure what to do I hugged him back.I couldn't do anything. 

''were is mum and dad what happen to them''i cried out as i hugged Tommy back i could see jack stud in the corner not sure what do to.As i looked back up at Tommy he sighed and mumbled something.

''they umm''he looked down at me lifting my chin up soflty ''sis am so sorry but are parents they got in a car crash a few years ago mum lived but not long but dad died at the crash''he started to cry as he pulled me close.I just sat thier unable to cry i wanted t cry but the pain was to much.

''sis your gonna be living with me at the monastery ok we plan on you coming in two days once your discharged''he smiled slightly as he layed me back down on the bed as he looked around before standing up ''i have to go now sis ill see you tomorrow ok''he ruffeld my hair as he left.

I rolled over in my bed and started to cry again i couldn't cope i didn't want to be here.I cried harder till i fell asleep.

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