be witch you

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rains pov 

Even though i been apart of the band since i was like 19 i still get scared going on stage.I didn't know how people would react as most people in the minasrey were scared of us when were weren't on stage but anyways i started playing the base to year zero as copia spoke to the crowed.I looked for Lilith since i notice they weren't back stage anymore as i looked around i spotted her dancing and singing i felt my face go red as i saw them i had to pull my face cover down so no one saw my stupid smile. 

Their smile made me fell something my stomach tingled and twisted i started to move about walking over to sodo as he was flirting  with some girl in the crowd i rolled my eyes and giggled as i tapped him on the head making him lose balance and fall into the pit.

''IM GONNA GET YOU RAIN''is all i heard before it went dark and the only light went to Lilith... wait whats going on?This isn't part of the show was it?I tilled my head as i saw her being brought up onto stage the once loud crowed went silent as papa spoke.

''i would like to introduced you fucker's to someone very close my my some one you lot may know who she is by now but this is my lovey daughter Lilith''he smiled as he held Lilith hand up she looked shocked as this was happening she looked up at her father.

''Lilith do you accepted the family name''he looks at her she nods confused ''Tonight is the night the night you take the family name''he smiles at her as she knees down at the front of the stage as we started to play con clavi con dio the room filled up with smoke.About half way through the song you heard screaming.

''dad make it stop''she cried as she fell to the floor her eyes glowing as papa nhile's ghost came onto the stage and started speaking latin .

 ''nomen familiae accipis et officium fit cum proximo in acie ad cohortem''papa nhile said reading from an old book.

(i got that from google translate so if its not right please tell me)

I looked down as the girls tears and screams turd to whimpers as she nods to every words nhile said. i belive what he said was do you accept the family name and the roll it has as next in line to the band it was something like that as she nods again the fog clears as i loud bang happens and the lights flash.I see Lilith stand up and turn to crowed and smile the crowed cheers and goes crazy as they see her white eye witch is odd because we could all ways see it maybe they couldn't.

I walked over to Lilith she smiled at me as she tuck my hand waving goodbye to crowed.I felt my face go red again as she smiled up at me god was i falling for her?

(next chapter im doing a bit of a time skip so Lilith is going to be older or i'll just change her age all together)

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