life isn't what it seems is it

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After being outside for a few minutes we all when't back inside. Sodo still sulking that he got told off and stormed off to his room.Me and the others were all sat around the sofa talking and playing uno. Swiss was trying to cheat like all ways.He would try his hardest not to try and get caught but he was bad at it.

''SWISS STOP CHEATING''cirrus shouted from the other end of the table.  Swiss rolling his eyes argued back.

''AM NOT CHEATING''he shouted back with a pout we all just laughed as he wasn't good at covering his act.I looked as the door to the ghouls den opens.It was sestor and copia i smiled up at them as they walked over confused at first to what we were all doing but confusion turned into giggling.

''Lilith darling can you come here please''sestor smiled as she put her hand out for me to take it.

''we need to talk in my office ok''she smiles as we walk  up the long metal stairs back  to the main bit of the minastrey.We got to sestors office were i guess hes my grampap im not sure but anyways papa nihil was sat their as well.Bit odd but we all sat down as Sestor pulled out a big heavy book.The book cover was in a different language i couldn't understand so siting in the dark office sestor started to speak again.

''Lilith we spoken with your brother he said that you not feeling yourself you feel trapped in your body''she spoke looking at the book flipping through pages I just node and wen't along with it as yes i did feel trapped in my own body i didn't fell myself.

''ok Lilith you see this book is about the family bloodline and will tell you about the powers everyone has or had''she looks at papa nhile with a glare as he just looks down at the floor. ''but there is on last thing you see because you were born outside the minastrey your body was able to cope with the amount of energy your body was giving out because the minastrey absorbs that engergy but that didn't happen with you it was stored in your body and became unhealthy this is why we think you have epilepsy''

I just looked at here i kinda felt like she was joking she was right,i looked at the book that was now siting front of me page on to me?thier was a holl page about me and how the hell dose like magic and my epilepsy have anything to do with the minastrey this is confusing 



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