Bitch Pack

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I wake up, in cold sweats and shivers. My eyes wide, my chest heaving. It's dark and I can make out the figure of someone but then it's gone. I'm losing my mind; one message and I'm going back that place. I'm breathing heavily, gasping even. 

I move my hand around on my side table looking for my phone, which I find blinding myself in the process. I turn my screen brightness down and scroll through my Dm's to find the one from Taylor. I need a distraction, I need something. 

It's early November, the songs been out for a week and a half, it's still number one and it doesn't look like it's budging. I'm happy about it but I've been radio silent to everyone including Cally since the text from my ex. 

My bones ache, in a twisted way. I find the text from Taylor and reread it. She'd written, "Do you like football?" I laugh a little bit. I never expected that the first time I'd get a text from Taylor Swift she would be asking about football. But I wasn't completely surprised either she was (very publicly) dating NFL star Travis Kelce. Who I was an extreme fan of. 

Cally had loved Taylor for years; I'd loved Travis for years. When they got together a new milestone in our friendship was created. I was born in Kansas City. The Chiefs were a family tradition. Cally was from Boston and so they were a Patriots person. 

It was half past 3 in the morning, so I didn't expect a response, but I decided to reply anyway. 

DMs with Taylor Swift 

Taylor Swift ✔️- Do you like football?

Lucile Grey-
Yes, why?

Taylor Swift ✔️- Good. Would you like to come to a Chiefs vs. Jets? You can bring a friend. There will be heaps of people there we are all going together. I'd love to see you there. It'll be at MetLife stadium.

Lucile Grey-
Wow, uh. Yes sure. I'm actually a Chiefs stan so that would be great. What part will you be in so I can get tickets?

Taylor Swift ✔️-   Babes, I'm paying. What friends will you be bringing? There's plenty of room, we have a private suite. Then Trav has booked out a restaurant to party in. And yes! Go Chiefs. Blake, and everyone come to support and have fun but none of them really go for the Chiefs Lmao. 

Lucile Grey-

Never thought Taylor Swift, would text me "Lmao"

And wow, that is so generous. It'll just be me actually. So don't stress about that.

Taylor Swift ✔️- You're such a sweetie. Honestly. Cutie. 

Lucile Grey-

Oh, uh thankyou?

Taylor Swift ✔️- Everyone is going to adore you! 

Also, Lucile. Opera is wow. Just wow. I think I've listened to it more than anyone else, it's breathtaking. I need moreeeee. It's bad I'm addicted every party it's just requesting to hear it over again. I'm so annoying lol. 

Lucile Grey-

I'm actually crying! Damn woman that's so sweet 😳.

Taylor Swift ✔️- Well woman has me blushing lol. Anyways I'll see you this weekend beautiful! I'll text you the ticket. Sending Love. 

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