Bigger than the whole sky

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Rising star, and friend of Taylor Swift, Lucile Grey mourns the passing of her brother. She was seen walking the streets crying after news broke out. The cause of death seems to be a sickness he had for a long time. We send our condolences, to Lucile and her family. 

But Grey and Swift seem to be getting awfully close. After both attending the same New Years Eve party the duo was seen again today as the news of Lucile's brother's death came out. Is Swift becoming somewhat of a rock for Lucile? Is there friendship more? 


|@user1- the way they've used this picture before. L world news. 

|@user2- That's so sad. LOVE YOU LUCILE!!!

      |@user3- Yeah sending love to Lucile. 



The call was expected, but nonetheless awful. Wearing sweats and a hoodie I'm sitting on my couch with Cally and Taylor numbly. I'm not crying hysterically, and I don't plan too. I had said goodbye. I had come to terms with it. 

"Luce honey, talk to us." Cally says. And I look at them as Taylor plays with my hair from behind. 

"Uh, okay. Umm, the funeral will be soon. I'll have to fly to Chicago to be with my grandfather. I'll have to rebook my training sessions for eras tour so I can be there." I list of things and Cally's frown deepens. 

"I can organize everything don't stress Luce". Taylor says sadly and I nod. Wiping my eyes on my sleeves. 


Unknown Number- Lucile?

Who is this?

Unknown Number- Sorry, It's Freddie. Taylor gave me your number. 

Oh, alright. 

Freddie- Shit sorry, this is probably a bad time with your brother and all. 

No, No it's alright :)

Freddie- I just, honestly wish we coulda spoken more the other night. I think you're really pretty and this is forward but I just- would you want to go out with me? 

*Braces for rejection* 

Why would I reject you?

Freddie- Well I know you're BI, and honestly, we can probably both agree girls are hot. 

You think I'm going to reject you because I like guys and girls when you're like a hot British guy with dimples. You doubt yourself tremendously.

Also, how'd you know I was BI?

Freddie- Ahhh maybe your Wikipedia page?

You stalked my wiki?! Damn you're really invested 

Freddie- Lucile. I'm not asking you to marry me (yet) so yes or no. Dinner. 

You are really game. I like it. Sure, we can do dinner. 

Freddie- This is Freddie's brother; just thought I'd let you know my mans dropped his phone and screamed like a girl ;)

Lmao, that's hilarious 

Freddie- You're not meant to knowwww

It's alright handsome. I'll still give you a shot. 

Freddie- You think I'm handsome??? AWWWW




Freddie- I'm gonna get ya back love. 



I was watching Little Women in my apartment at 2am. Trying to decipher how they all moved on after Beth. It was the Greta Gerwig version because it's truly a masterpiece. Afterwards, I lay in my bed, sniffling and eating biscuits out of the packet. 

Halfway through the packet I get an idea for a song, and I pad over to the piano. 

As the sun comes up my tired eyes hit send on the audio note. I'm sending it to Taylor to judge because I trust her opinion. I'm so tired I crawl under the covers of my bed and fall asleep in seconds. 

Until someone swings open my door. 

"Tay, coulda called" I groan out and she looks suddenly sorry. 

"I didn't know you were asleep; I did call like a thousand times." She says and I sit up nodding my head. 

"Oh, sorry. I was up all night". 

"Lucile, elephant in the room. You just wrote the saddest song on planet earth." She says coming to sit next to me on my bed. The bed I once shared with her. 

"Well, I was sad". I say putting my hands up. "And now I'm going to watch wrestling for the next eight hours before dragging my ass outa bed to buy more snacks." 

Taylor sighs. "Can I join you?". 

saynosaynosaynosaynosaynosaynosayno- "Yes sure". 

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