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I'm wearing the dress and wind breaker like Cally directed. My hair out and as fluffy as ever. I have a red almond shaped hairclip pulling on side of my bangs back. It's the same red as the jacket. I throw my brown leather handbag over my shoulder. Lock my apartment and get in the uber I called. It's not really an area I want to take my classic Benz to.

When I arrive, I'm directed to a special part of security for "Miss Swift's celebrity friends". They search my jacket and bag and then I wait on the other side. Looking around my eyebrows shoot up to my forehead. Blake Lively, Ryan Reynalds, Hugh Jackman, Sabrina Carpenter, Sophie Turner. Oh, I am sooooo out of place here. 

I expect them all to stay in their respective places, but Blake walks straight over to me and gives me a hug. "Lucile right! Taylor's just sorting out tickets she'll be back in a minute she told me to look after you. Wow, you are so pretty! My girls sadly couldn't come but they told me to take lots of photos with you. They're obsessed with Opera. Which as a mother is slightly worrying but I love it too. Your so talented. Taylor has not stopped talking about you!". Blake gushes and I blush. 

"I'll have to make a video for them". I say politely. "I'm a huge fan of you too. Gossip Girl was like a college life miracle, wouldn't have gotten through school without it." She smiles at me as I talk, and my nerves wash away immediately. 

They flood back though when an angel from heaven accidently walks into this room, golden hair red lips. The bluest eyes in the universe. Then I realize it's just Taylor. I hope I'm not staring but I can't help it if I am. 

Her eyes widen when she sees me and her mouth parts in this cute way, she strides over to me and embraces me in the best hug I've ever felt. "Lucile! You made it. I'm so happy to see you. You're even more stunning in person!" She greets. 

My red lips move to thank her, but we are all quickly moved to an elevator. It's not until we get into the booth, I can talk to her properly. "It's lovely to meet you". I say kindly and she smiles widely. Her smile is so cute. 

"You too! I saw your Tik Tok you posted a few days ago of you singing closure. I'm totally obsessed" she says while being handed a clear plastic cup full of beer. She offers me one, but I shake my head. 

"I didn't even mean to post it, whoops". I say only now realizing I must have hit post instead of drafts. 

She laughs. "Well, I'm glad you did". She says it with such a lingering undertone I suddenly feel her eye hard and fast over me. She's not being subtle about memorizing my shape. Red crawls up my neck. 

Her attention shifts then when someone else starts talking to her. During the game everyone around me drinks and enjoys themselves, cheering and whooping. (Sometimes without realizing some of Taylors un-football friends cheer for the wrong team) I sit int he back next to Sabrina Carpenter who is extremely polite. 

"I know you don't really talk about it anymore, but literally Girl meets World. Meant so much to me as a teenager, like I felt like I actually had friends. And Skinny Dipping is a fucking amazing song, emails is such a fun album. I went to a show a while back with my friend Cally". I say and Sabrina smiles politely. 

"I love Opera, you're such a cute singer. You have a very pretty voice. And all that means a lot". She replies. 

It's almost the end of the game and Taylor has somehow shifted me so I'm standing next to her. The Chiefs win and she cheers. Turning to Blake and chest bumping with her and then turning to me and doing the same. Then she raps a soft hand around my shoulder and sways with me as the crowd goes wild. 

I haven't had anything to drink but I suddenly feel dizzy and whoosy. 

When Travis joins us, I do my best not to either cry because of how much my parents would have loved meeting him. Or fangirl because of how much I love meeting him. He smiles excitedly from his big win. I stay to the back of the group and don't say anything really, until he points me out. 

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