Chapter 5 - The Freelancing Guild

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Dave nodded to everyone, confirming his decision of hiring all of Eliott's gang.

"Sir Dave, are you insane!? How can you even consider cooperating with my captors!?" Butch shook him, his eyes pleading for him to reconsider.

"He's right, we're still going to take him and sell him." Eliott says.

"You in this, Elfad?" Dave looked at him, he was hiding in the shafows but Dave immediately saw him.

"Hm, whatever it takes to survive, Dave. You understand, right?" Elfad answered, walking out of his veil.

"Understood. But going off with what Elfad has said, then you would be wise to consider working for me. It pays well." Dave says before holding Butch, he doesn't want to get shaken any more.

"How could this be a well paying job? What even IS a Freelancing Guild?" Eliott asked, walking forward with authority.

"It's when you're hired for your specific skills and talents. You accept the request of clients, and are paid for your efforts." Dave explained.

"Doesn't sound different from being an adventurer. What you said is in the line of what they do." Elfad rebutted.

"Butch explained to me what the Adventurer's Guild is about, and the work involved of being an adventurer." Dave says as he starts walking to the old quest board on the wall.

"Clients would post their quests here, and by some chance, an adventurer takes it. And depending on the skills of the adventurer, it either goes well or horribly." Dave explained.

"Exacty, so what's do different about that and freelancing?" Eliott asked.

"Well, for one, clients are more confident in the thought of hiring a specific Freelancer for their skills." Dave answered.

"Let's say someone puts up a quest about collecting medicinal herbs. It's an easy job, yes? So a novice adventurer just goes on, trample a bunch of unneeded herbs and goeds to non-chalantly pick the herbs."

Dave then looks at the others, gesturing his explanation.

"What you get is unprofessionally harvested herbs, and customer satisfaction is mid, sloppy at worst."

"And a freelancer can do better?" Elfad was skeptical.

"Ofcourse! If a client asks for a herbs, then he'd get a freelancer who specialises in picking herbs. Which in turn would be an expert at medicine, then with further improvement, you'd have an esteemed doctor, who'd be a medical freelancer." Dave explained.

"But does it pay well?" Eliott asked.

"Depending on the commission and client, it will vary. But rest assured, any Freelancer working for me will be paid for 90% of their work." Dave says joyfully.

"90%!? So you only get 10% of your workers' income?!" Elfad says in shock.

"How can you sustain this?"

"Simple, I'm a freelancer myself. I also earn for my work, and the 10% is used to fund the guild itself." Dave shines confidently.

"That sounds cool." A bandit says.

"I'm pretty convinced myself, the blue guy makes sense!" Another said.

"I got my Adventurer's Card revoked, so there's still a chance here!" And another one says.

"Silence!" Eliott commanded before glaring at Dave.

"So, you expect us to do anything? You know our skills are varied. I don't know how much work you put it in, but with what you showed early, we may just be heavy baggage for your guild." Eliott explained.

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